Vijay J.

Vijay J.

Experienced SoftwareProfessional

Pune , India

Experience: 11 Years


Pune , India

Experienced SoftwareProfessional

38295.4 USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date: 2024-02-14

11 Years

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About Me

Results-oriented and innovative Full stack Software engineer with 14+ years of experience in .NET.In the field which demands continuous learning and adaptabilitybeing a quick learner and adaptable to new technologies in ever changing industry.Thrives...

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Portfolio Projects


Client Management Tool - Main Deliverable of the project was to give end customer research recommendations for capital market.There was a user interface used to manage various accounts and users belongings to these accounts(Customer / Account creation and updation).Research data coming from various locations in a flat file. Loaded and processed and into central db . Such details are present to various customer/account based on their roles and hierarchy.These Recommendations were sent based on type of customer/Account via down stream applications.

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Diamond Management System - is window based application. In this Diamond Management System have different users like Administrator, Manager, and General Users. Administrator can manage all users, which create a username and password and gives menu rights as per users requirements. The system is designed to manage processing activity of the Diamond. The major modules that the system encompasses are Stock. System also generates various Graphical Report, which could help in decision making and accessing the situation as well as current business profile of the company compared to various instances in the past.

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Cola Order Management System – is Complete MIS solution for orders punching from various sites in
different physical locations. Data of Order punching done from different sites moves to central server and
loads this data. This data is present to different level of hierarchy of business in proper report format to
take business decisions.

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Description ODYSSEY – is an intranet based web application which is complete end to end solution for HK , UK and KL business users.They mainly used for paying bonds , issuing payment and common depository activities. Few external interfaces are involved for two way message communication. These messages contain details regarding maturity payment of any issues. Windows services are also involved which processes incoming SWIFT message and to show to different users as per their roles and responsibility

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This project is related to Banking and finance domain .
This Financial Crime Compliance - Malaysia project is malaysia specific users. Flow of this project starts
when there is a new alert generated inside CAMP(Client Activity Monitoring Program) web based
application . Once this alert is generated , basic details of customer is spied from CAMP application
namely contact details , previous transaction history , organization history etc. Details related to
customers previous years transaction history , address details are captured via spying mainframe
application(Surface Automation) and other legacy applications. All details derived is processed and
consolidated to an excel file inside different worksheet. This excel file then kept at central location for
their manual intervention and then mailed to higher authority for further action.

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Description Banking and Finance related project Financial Crime Compliance - Regulatory Compliance China automated process that included Web Application , Mainframe application . While performing day to day activity back office guys needs to capture customers banking transaction history , contact details and other data once they receive alert ID from their administrator . With the help of this alert ID Customer’s transaction history of last one year is captured from web application and other details are captured from mainframe application . Based on details derived one commentary report is generated inside word file . This report along with txns data is consolidated and kept at central location for their further course of action

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