About Me
Business Analyst/Consultant/Developer with 24+ years of experience in Software Development, Telecommunication, and Insurance. Technical Analyst with strong knowledge in various programming languages and tools. Experienced in capturing client requirem...
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Portfolio Projects
Worked in a team of three developers writing requirement documents for in-house reservation system. This involved meeting with stakeholders and senior staff to document the requirements and offer guidance as needed.
Modified the existing Checked-In mobile app to include push notification and geofencing.
Worked on an interface between the members’ reservation booking portal and the resort club administration portal. This interface allowed for reservations to be automatically sent from the members portal to the club’s administration portal eliminating the need for retyping, thus reducing errors and increasing efficiency. Also when reservations are approved in the club’s administration portal, the approvals are automatically polled by the members’ portal and updated sending confirmation email to the member.
Technologies used included:
- WordPress – used to build the portals
- PHP – used to create the plugin for WordPress
- JavaScript – wrote code to capture client side data and pass it onto the server side.
- C# - API to facilitate the communication between portals
- MySQL – WordPress database.
Developed a widget for calculating points required to book a stay at the resort. This widget was implemented in the WordPress members’ site.
Technologies used included:
JavaScript wrote code to capture the data and call the points calculation API.
HTML5 – form creation
CSS – styling of form controls
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• Coded the systems using Visual Basic 6.0, MS SQL 2000 and PowerDesigner 9.0. • Crystal Reports 8.5 was used to create the reports. •• Conducted UAT. • Wrote the user guide.
Developed software for Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to be used at the Psychiatric Hospital in Barbados and later in other countries. This project consisted of a Microsoft SQL 2000 database back end and a Visual Basic front end. It creates reports using the Crystal Report engine. In brief, the software maintains a list of all patients registered at the institution along with what medication they were given, wards admitted to, their admitting doctor, etc. It also kept track of deaths, transfers, patient leaves, etc. It was tailored to PAHO requirements and cost less that an “off the shelf” application.
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Main Programmer
Developed a new module to the Land Management System software used by Guyana Central Housing and Planning Authority. This new module was introduced to handle cases where underprivileged individuals living in horrible conditions needed subsidized land to build their own homes. The system recorded bio data on applicants and their living conditions, as collected by a field verification officer. It then calculated a score and ranking based on the poverty level of the applicants. Those who were living in the worst conditions were ranked among the first to be offered land. Reports on the eligibility and ranking of the applicants were produced after all the information was collected and verified.
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Designed a database application to store legacy claims data, which was migrated from an AS/400 system to a Windows platform. This application allowed users to make queries and payments on old claims. It also generated several reports.
The conceptual and physical data models were designed using PowerDesigner 9.0. The backend uses Microsoft SQL 2000 and the front end was done with Visual Basic and Crystal Reports.
Designed a MS Access database application which tracked claims and made payments on life policies.
Designed VB application to do bulk lapsing and automatic renewals of government policies as a “companion” to the General Insurance software package (i.e. SFI).
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