About Me
To utilize my knowledge coupled with experience to convert organizational goals in to reality while ensuring a steady growth for self. A senior Project lead from Market Research Industry with an overall experience of 11.2 Yrs from 2008 To 2019 in org...
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Portfolio Projects
This project mainly has its focus on brand management functions to efficiently achieve specific marketing goals, sales, consumer insights and product development. The project also intended to create and test new products. New explorations in the digital channels were also needed to be addressed.
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This Project is all about creating an online data transparent business working environment amongst Heineken vendors to accomplish rollout process smoothly across the European market. Here our application contains four project execution steps as Planning object(s), Work Plan, Template design and Dashboard entity. Where Planning object is the low level entity where the actual data exists. And we assigned three roles for the entire flow name as Global, Country and Project level. Project Admin will grab the templates which are created by Global and Country admin, create its own template and will give to the vendors. So that vendors can implement the project.
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The project is executed for a leading consumer brand. This project was the most prestigious and a complicated project Scenario: The project scenario included conducting surveys on both infants and pregnant mothers. The surveys included a lot of co-ordination among the stakeholders and then reporting before delivering the end result to the client. Setting up complex processes into the streamline was the main challenge.
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The application has the ability to parse the log files generated by the Web Server and derive useful information for analytics of the Weblog. Using these analytical reports we can identify patterns of visitors interest. The findings from the weblog data are visiting users, peak usage hours, frequently visited pages, most viewed pages/content, visit duration, navigation through which linked sites or search engines, etc.
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This project is about finding out customer behavior on Unilever products. Being a monthly tracker, the project was carried out for a period of six months to track and estimate the changes in customer behavior over a period of time. The opinions of various group of customers was taken accordingly and the data was analyzed and reported accordingly.
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Basic objective of this project is to curtail usage of the number of documents and bringing all the employees in to one platform for the accountability of projects. Project mainly consists of 6 Modules, i.e. Project Management System, Automation Tools, K-Cafe, Feedback, Knowledge Management System, consists of 30 sub modules comprehensively. This project helps to Developers, Testers, Group Project Leaders and Team Leaders to monitor the status of concern project, Generating the Reports for every invoice month data as well all the employees monthly productivity be displayed on dashboard in the module PQM.
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