About Me
High-energy, con dent professional with an infectious enthusiasm for technology, with 6 years of experience in developing robust code in machine learning, python, C, C++ for high-volume businesses. Dedicated for work and eager to learn new things....
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Portfolio Projects
Mahindra First Choice Services (MFC Services) is Indias largest chain of multi-brand car workshops with over 315 car workshops, present in 270 towns across 25 states. Their main revenue comes from Reference from customers, Reference from employees and Outdoor camping. So they wanted to do customer segmentation to understand better customer needs. We did it using K-Means Clustering.
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For a given references to news pages collected from an web aggregator. The
resources are grouped into categories business(b); science and technology(t); entertainment(e); and health(h).
Predicted which class a particular resource belongs to given the title of the resource.
Working on development project where we are trying to build One Trading Application for the all line of business, instead of multiple, which can save a lot of operational cost of managing multiple Trading Applications.
My roles in this team as a python developer. I get involved in development, testing and deployment through Agile process. We use here Jira, Bit Bucket, and SVN tools to do the development.
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This project has a desktop application which is used by Metlife client for displaying Illustration for it's customer. MetLife representatives enter input data of customer via this application like customer name, age, sex,smoker status,risk class etc to Illustrate insurance policy. This application on the basis provided input data and insurace policy generate reports for it's customer. Generated Report contains multiple columns like premium, net cash value, dividend and death benefit with year wise data. For example in first year how much premium you need to pay, how much net cash value you will have in your account , how much dividend you will get and how much death benefit you will have. Report displays these information for multiple years for year 1 to year 100 depends on type of policy. For ex whole life policy Illurates information for 120 years and term policy illutrates information till the year policy has taken.
I was a software developer in this project. I am responsible here for requirement understanding, providing estimation, software development, testing and deployment.
This project has 4 component, NET, DS(data subsystem, MKT(Matching engine), PT (post trade).In this trading platform there is front end which is a desktop based application through which End users take login and perform trading. NET component responsible with initial validation of data packet,routing and login of users.MKT component responsible for order Matching. PT component responsible for serving inquiry. DS component responsible for maintaining master data of all users.
I have worked on NET module, which is one of the component of trading system. For this module , I have worked from requirement analysis to design implementation, development, unit testing, system testing, performance testing.
My responsibility in this project is as a software developer.I was responsible here for support ,design, development,testing and deployment of clients requirement . My day to day activities involved Live support, development , log analysis and testing. Testing includes unit testing,system testing and performance testing.
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