About Me
Experienced IOS Developer with 2.8 years of experience. Which includes Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of code. Adaptive, flexible and open to learning new approaches and methods
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Portfolio Projects
IOS ball separation game. Put same colour ball into their respective colour box.
Responsible for designing, developing, testing and releasing the app to App Store from scratch
Key Learning - SpriteKit, NSTimers, Handling game state when interruption occurs and when application becomes active, AVAudioPlayer, UserDefaults, ProgressBar, Adding images of specific resolution in 2x and 3x slots, Performance tuning, Releasing the app to App Store.
It is a home automation application which covers various devices such as camera, lock, thermostat, temperature sensor, security, protect etc. installed in the house
Responsible for Bug Fixing, UI Automation testing and Mock testing
Single handedly working on UI Automation and Mock testing
Key Learning - Creating UI Programatically, Creating constraints programatically, Working with modules level scope, Resolving Pod issues and use of one pod available in project in another module of same project and Changing build settings from project file, Updating code for latest swift version changes, EarlGrey, OHTTPStub and Page Object Model for UI testing and Mock testing. Objective C basics
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It is a mobile application which contains recipes and videos of each steps for a variety of meals. It keeps track of all the likes and dislikes of the user and suggests variety of meal based upon that
Responsible for development and testing of the application
Key Learning - UITableView, Delegates and KIF
It is a data protection software which enables consistent backups and recovery
Involved in Setting up project on linux environment, setting up Cassandra nodes, changing firewalls, setting Cassandra TLS/SSL encryption, changing file permissions, Creating instances on AWS
Key Learning - Linux.