Thiruvalluvan R.

Thiruvalluvan R.

Business Analyst/Consultant

Manchester , United States

Experience: 15 Years


Manchester , United States

Business Analyst/Consultant

240000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

15 Years

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About Me

15 years of experience in Investment Management/Capital Markets industry (Fidelity Investments State Street Global Advisors Wellington Management CompAnalyzed Developed Tested and Implemented numerous Portfolio Management Accounting Trading Risk Mana...

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Portfolio Projects


Conducted JAD/JAR sessions with the key personnel of the Private Equity business including Accounting, Analytics, Treasury, Marketing and Operations departments to design, configure and implement FrontInvest (eFront’s Fund of Funds fund management solution) for HarbourVest Partners, a global private equity firm.

Gathered requirements and wrote the Functional Specifications documents of Primary and Secondary Partnership Investments Portfolio Data Review Dashboard; Master NAV Dashboard; Accounting and Marketing NAV Dashboards; Marketing Company Dashboard; Direct Investment FX Report; Direct Investment Data Export and Cash Flow Dashboard.

Wrote Test Plans and executed Test Cases to verify the functionalities and results of Fund Management eFront Reports.

Researched the issues, identified the root causes and entered them into TestTrack Defects Tracking System. Provided insight, solutions and guidance to eFront team in order to fix the identified issues. Re-tested and verified that Fund Management eFront Reports are functioning as expected generating correct calculations and results after the fix.

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Designed, developed and implemented web applications for digital target marketing of Insurance and financial products at InfoGroup, a leading provider of innovative business data and marketing solutions. Worked closely with the clients, wrote Business Requirements, Functional Specifications, Test Plans and Test Cases documents, performed User Acceptance Testing and Client presentations. Maintained data dictionary, data flow diagrams, input and output data files, and incorporated numerous business rules in the marketing data warehouse. Developed Project Plans and performed Project Economic Analysis including Net Present Value Analysis, IRR and Return On Investment Analysis

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Conducted JAD/JAR sessions with Portfolio Managers, Analysts, Traders, Business, Compliance and Risk Managers; and documented Business Requirements and Functional Specifications.

Analyzed, developed and delivered key Portfolio Management Workstation (with Calypso, Advent Geneva Accounting System, Eagle PACE Security Master, Fidessa Sentinel Compliance System and Global Trade Order Management System interfaces) functionalities including: Portfolio Construction, Options, Beta Hedge, Futures Close & Roll, Currency Forwards

Hedging, Total Return Swaps and Futures-Look-A-Likes. Worked closely with Business and Development teams to assure the details of Stocks, Options, Rights & Warrants, Futures, Swaps and Currency Forward orders are created accurately and routed to Trading Systems.

Designed, built, tested and implemented the functionalities to: (1) Import selected Securities and capture Trade Order details as per Fundamental and Technical Factors driven Multi-Factor Models in MSCI BarraOne and FactSet into the Portfolio Construction module of the Portfolio Management System, generate Trade Orders in the Multi-Asset Portfolios; (2) Generate Hedging Trade Orders as per Asset Liability Management Analysis of Multi-Asset Portfolios in MSCI BarraOne; (3) Generate Risk Management Trade Orders based on the stress testing of Multi-Asset Portfolios as per Beta and Risk Exposure Factors driven Value At Risk Models in MSCI BarraOne and route the Trade Orders to the Global Trade Order Management System after obtaining Compliance Certificates from the Security Specific, Portfolio Specific and Firmwide Business Rules driven Fidessa Sentinel Compliance System.

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Conducted JAD/JAR sessions with Portfolio Managers, Analysts, Traders, Business, Compliance and Risk Managers; and documented Business Requirements and Functional Specifications. Analyzed, developed and implemented a web-based Equity, Fixed Income and Derivative Trading System (Active Trader Pro) working very closely with the Business, Quality Assurance, Development, Maintenance and Customer Service teams.

Conducted JAD/JAR sessions with Portfolio Managers, Traders, Compliance and Risk Managers; and documented Business Requirements and Functional Specifications.

Developed and executed Test Plans and Test Cases.

Performed Structured Analysis and developed Data Flow Diagrams, Business Rules, Decision Tables and Data Dictionaries.

Implemented Capability Maturity Model (CMM) software development practices and Systems Development Methodologies.

Significantly contributed to the following Portfolio Management, Market Information, Trading and Risk Management systems development projects:

  • Crosby Advisors - Trade//Vision, a portfolio management application for investment management and administration of trusts and accounts for high net worth individuals.
  • Fidelity Investments Advisors Group - AdvisorCHANNEL, an investment analysis, trading and reporting system that encompasses order entry, portfolio management systems integration, and account management functions.
  • Fidelity Capital Markets - WinBlotter, an equity trading system; DSTS, a fixed income and repurchase agreements trading system; ZAI*NET, a foreign exchange and options trading system; and CARMA, a Counterparty Risk Management system.
  • National Financial Correspondent Services - CRM, Correspondent Risk Management system; CRDS, Correspondent Revenue Disbursement System; MAXXbroker and MAXXinvest, internet applications that offer brokerage services for financial professionals and individual investors.
  • Fidelity Life Insurance Company – Analyzed, developed, executed Test Plans & Test Cases and verified Life Insurance and Annuity Products/Systems financial and accounting Net Present Value discounted cash flow calculations.

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Conducted JAD/JAR sessions with Portfolio Managers, Analysts, Traders, Business, Compliance and Risk Managers; and documented Business Requirements and Functional Specifications. Worked closely with the

Development Team to develop Technical Design, wrote and executed Test Plans and Test Cases, trained the Traders and documented the User Manuals for the following systems development projects:

  • Royal Blue’s Fidessa Global Trade Order Management System
  • Thomson Financial’s Global and Domestic OASYS Trade Allocation System
  • Tiarra/Eagle STAR Portfolio Management and Accounting System of ITS Associates acquired by Eagle Investment System
  • ACT System for reporting, matching and clearing trades
  • State Street Brokerage Data Warehouse

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a portfolio management application for investment management and administration of trusts and accounts for high net wor

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an investment analysis trading and reporting system that encompasses order entry portfolio manag

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Analyzed developed executed Test Plans & Test Cases and verified Life Insurance and Annuity Products/Systems financi

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