About Me
8 Years of Experience in Microsoft Stack: Power BI Desktop and Power BI services, DAX, Power BI Report Server5 Years of experience as Microsoft Cloud Analytics Visualization Tool: Power BI Desktop and Power BI services,Power BI Report Server, Power B...
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Portfolio Projects
Pitney Bowes Financial Reports and Dashboards: Pitney BowesProviding Postage Machine to different vendors on lease mechanism. Data Comesfrom SAP to SAP HANA to fulfill various processes like OTC: Order to Cash, PTP:Procure to Pay, RTR: Record to Report and based on SAP HANA as source we arepreparing Power BI Reports and Dashboards for End users who consumed theseDashboards and Reports.
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Heineken Financial implication: Is from scratch development of multiple regionDashboards and Reports preparation, Is based on previous manual exceldashboards and Reports. Each region having 20 reports and one dashboard as onePBIX file which users used to know the Performance about respective region teamwithin Nigerian Breweries. Release one Having 60 reports and 4 Dashboards forCRS, RTR PTP, OTC Region of Nigerian Breweries.CRS: The main objective of CRS dashboards is to inform the user about theperformance of CRS team within Nigerian Breweries.PTP: The main objective of PTP Dashboards is to inform the user about measurethe efficiency, Quality and payment terms effectiveness of the purchase to payprocess.OTC: The main objective of OTC dashboards is used to measure the Processquality, Billing Credit management and Receivables of the OTC process.RTR: The main objective of RTR dashboards is used to measure the efficiency ofthe RTR processes, Including the level of Quality and payment terms effectivenessof the purchase to pay process.In all 4 Dashboards user can select baseline month and comparison month fromrespective slicer and based on that all visual data will updated in dashboards.i) Understanding of previous Excel Dashboard, Reports and Analyzed those.ii) Complex formulas understanding from excel dashboards and Reports.iii) Prepared DAX formulas for Calculated column and Measures.Flat files: From SAP Hana database client providing region and reports wise flatfiles and based on that landing and Staging database is prepared by DB Team thisphase having SSIS Transformation from flat files to SQL server DatabaseTransformation.SQL Source Tables: Based on flat files per region received from client DB teamprepared normal SQL tables those used for connecting Power BI desktop for Regionwise reports preparation. Complex formula handled at reports level using DAXlanguage.Power BI Desktop and Power BI services: Based on Database provide by DBTeam Preparing Power BI reports and dashboards for CRS, RTR, PTP, OTC Regions.
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POC -Cloud Dashboards is from scratch Development projects including multipletechnologies combination for FCR, GOAP cloud Dashboard preparation.U-SQL: Used for Extraction of Raw data. Csv and Calculation. Xlsb files andprepared final output files using U-SQL.Power BI Desktop and Power BI services: Used for FCR,GOAP and Reportsand Dashboard are prepared based on final cube prepared from Azure Analysisservices.
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Responsibilities I have handle are below:
- Daily Basis monitoring 18 plus Scheduled dashboards: within Power BI Services is any failure occurred for those doing analysis and corrects those and later refresh manually and sending refresh mail 2 times including Pitney Bowes higher Management.
- Meter Movement Dashboards: I have prepared meter movement dashboards which gives the idea about how many postage machines on lease, who are the vendors consume those machines, which machine giving problems etc.
Worked on Innovation idea by Pitney Bowes for Remedy Ticket System: As Pitney Bowes higher management wants all different towers remedy tickets dashboards which will provide idea to them Different towers level, Department level, and Technology level, Resource wise Opened, In Progress, Resolved, and Closed Tickets. I have prepared whole source for remedy dashboards using oracle query and DAX formulas and later used that for Remedy ticket dashboard preparation
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PSR-Premier Reporting System is mainly used for Premier Users. Microsoft HaveDifferent Contact and Contract Line items for their users. TAM Technical AccountManager is owner of all Microsoft Products which is sold to other organizations.TAM here Create Contract between Those Organizations and Microsofts andProvide Contract Schedule items i.e services on contracts (Products) to thoseOrganizations. Provide Proactive services, Reactive services, Support Services andbased on that those Users Access different services and Products andorganizational based consumptions on those series from PSR Portal and SameReports Microsoft also Access from PSR System for who is TAM for organizationsand how much Products he sold and how many type of services he given thoseOrganizations. TAM can be sold Many Contracts (Products) within one Agreementto those Organizations.
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worked in ssbi hyper care as msbi developer. SSBI is Microsoft consulting serviceshaving different type of products for their customers. They Give services to theircustomers on sold products. Microsoft called this process as Opportunity.After customers agree on particular product then agreement sign betweencustomer and Microsoft consulting services. And they called it as Engagement.Every engagement has different type of projects and projects have different type ofTask, expenses, invoices. To handle such services Microsoft has different team toprovide services to the customers in that whole cycle. I worked in this project onSSAS support to solve the issues that occur in excel which are created throughSSAS Tabular model, User download that excel which is prepared from SSAStabular model and analyze it and get result . If user faces any problem in that excelwhich are related to Access issues on excel, Data mismatching, some new columnadditions in model or new features which are required as per user requirement inthat case user contacts Hyper care team.
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Rx Legal client portal is used for Data Synchronization from Asp.net Rx Legal Clientportal to Java CMS Application. Synchronization of data of Financial Module as wellas Loan Module and Borrower, Co-borrower personal information.As a Software Developer leading to this project also requirements gathering fromonshore team member and java application team member.Prepare CMMI process documents for this projects like RUD,QAD,Unit Test scripts,Code ReviewProject tracker, Estimation Documents.
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Navigant is Auditor & Auditee Platform which can be used by auditors & Auditee.Regulators to perform servicing audits focused on Auditors & Auditee withemerging national servicing standards, Audit Portal reduces audit costsand provides immediate actionable data. Navigant manage each & every audit atloan level. Navigant having ability for multiple parties to record observations andcommentary on specific loan-level review points while the system tracks allassociated dialogue through completion of audit.
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