About Me
As a seasoned IT professional with exposure to various life-cycle and IT process approaches, I am seeking to leverage my analytical and project management skills to document existing processes and identify refinements and improvements that are best s...
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Portfolio Projects
- Performing data base unloads (backups) and restoration to testing environments using DB2 utilities for mainframe
- Monitoring batch flow on Windows 2008 Server R2 using DB2 and Oracle data base and .net Framework components
- Examining and updating JIRA ticket information
- Tracking defects through HP ALM
- Use of BMC Remedy for ITSM/ITIL service management workflow
- COBOL and Information Security training and assessments
- Wrote test plans for mainframe ADABAS/NATURAL programs
- Generated functional and technical design documents for ADABAS/NATURAL programs
- Coding and constructing ADABAS/NATURAL and COBOL programs using VSAM and ADABAS data base routines.
- Stowing and Saving NATURAL programs for migration by N2O into QA and production environments.
- Creating IBM z/OS JCL cataloged procedures to be used in jobs scheduled to run on a daily and other frequent basis.
- Logging and closing out defects for QA purposes using Star Team, Quality Center (ALM) and Service-Now.
- Recording project time in Clarity
- Migration of CA Autosys JIL using Automation Change Control Expert (ACCE)
- Creating job definitions for CA-7 scheduler tool
- Creating COBOL Data Divisions, Working-Storage and Procedure Division statements for complex algorithms and formulas
- z/OS JCL, VSAM, CA-7, CA-11, Endevor, Connect:Direct (NDM), Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Enterprise COBOL, Expediter, CICS, Oracle, SQL, Rexx, ADABAS, NATURAL, Clarity, Quality Center (ALM)
- Generated operational documents to guide the configuration of deployed applications on mainframe Medicaid MIS (MMIS) for State of Arkansas
- Reviewed business requirements and clarified requirement notes using modeling language and graphical Visio diagrams
- Created functional design documents to map technical approach to business requirements
- Created technical design documents to detail the technical approach and tools required
- Served as the specialist to construct the technical approach
- Served as application support for automation of Positive Pay and provider disbursements.
- z/OS JCL, VSAM, CA-7, CA-11, Endevor, Connect:Direct (NDM), Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Enterprise COBOL, Expediter, CICS, Oracle, SDSF
- Generation of task and project network diagrams to create timeline visuals to identify critical paths
- Served as task and project estimator for duties outlined by the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Generated requirements documents based on initial meetings with business systems analysts, client advocates and functional area representatives
- Generated functional design, technical design and test plan documents for formal walkthroughs and QA team review
- Generated context diagrams for DB2-hosted business intelligence data repositories
- Generated complex DB2 SQL queries for ad hoc management reports based on multiple remote databases, including Oracle, SQL Server and mainframe DB2.
- Used computer-aided software engineering tools to construct and analyze multiple table joined and unioned queries, including Erwin, Access and Enterprise Manager.
- Learned to use the basic Oracle toolset, TOAD, and various data warehouse query management and construction tools.
- Executed simple Oracle SQL queries for testing algorithms and approaches to data base inquiry
- Generated reports into OnDemand (Content Manager) for z/OS using COBOL-based APS and IBM Utilities
- Generated COBOL code using Application Productivity System (APS) for DB2, CICS, IMS and VSAM
- Created COBOL reports on system and cpu utilization rates to monitor SLA slippage
- Provided on-call support for applications running in production and scheduled mainframe jobs
- Endevor, VSAM, TSO, OS/390 and z/OS JCL, COBOL, IMS, DB2, QMF, Oracle, CICS, APS (S COBOL) and structured turnover practices, Visual Basic, Visio and PowerPoint, SunGard, Connect:Direct (NDM), Excel, Word, Access, Visio, PowerPoint, SDSF
- Generated task and project estimates using bottom-up estimation approach
- Wrote testing plans to identify major defects prior to deployment
- Wrote deployment and implementation plans to reduce risk of total loss of capability during software upgrades on desktops and mainframe software installation
- Production support of financial applications General Ledger, Receivables, Payables and Cost Control software systems
- Used desktop tools Visual Basic, Access, SQL Server and HTML technology to provide accountants access to General Ledger journals and account summary queries
- Provided training to colleagues on optimal use of computer scripting languages for mainframe and Unix
- Created COBOL and enhanced COBOL modules to provide cost-accounting and budget reports for review by Accounting & Finance (CFO) officers
- Financial application modules: General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, Order-entry, Purchasing, Cost Control, Taxware
- PeopleSoft COBOL, DB2, File-Aid, Java, VSAM, OS/390 JCL, SEI CMM, Endeavor, ISPF, Excel, Word, Access, Visio, Enterprise COBOL, SQL Server, Access, SDSF
- Served as a liaison for technical and functional business area teams using written and oral English communication tools to interact with development team.
- Created a data warehouse to hold legacy payroll and benefits data for conversion tools
- Executed data conversion Unix and Oracle SQL*Plus scripts
- Created HTML-based requirements documentation for data conversion reconciliation formulas
- Transferring files via FTP from mainframe to Unix server
- Created ad hoc reports using NATURAL (some NATURAL Construct) and NATURAL Connect
- Created testing plans for modified, enhanced or new application system components
- Coded and submitted PeopleSoft COBOL functional modules to extract and convert legacy data and validate results
- Created and executed interface modules to load Oracle using SQR language reports and Unix scripting.
- Using Rexx/CLIST to automate migration, file transfer and report generation tasks
- Technologies: ADABAS, NATURAL, Brio SQR, Oracle SQL, PeopleSoft HRMS, Peoplesoft Payroll, PeopleSoft COBOL, People Tools, Oracle SQL*Plus, Unix, HTML, HP-UX, Excel, ISPF, Word, Access, JES2, MicroFocus COBOL Workbench, SDSF
- Wrote test plans for mainframe ADABAS/NATURAL payroll change requests
- Generated functional and technical design documents for converting ADABAS payroll programs to Peoplesoft COBOL
- Automated responses to HIPAA (CMS) compliance surveys of Medicare and group healthcare plan eligibility
- Gathered requirements from the functional area representatives and generated requirements documentation
- Generated functional and technical documentation required to outline the process
- Presented an overview of the proposed application to Treasury and Benefits functional team members
- Generated testing plans
- Provided post-implementation support
- Converted paycheck generation with State Treasury Office
- Gathering requirements on the presentation of checks and justification for the project
- Creating a project plan and outline of the phases for presentation and approval of Treasury functional team
- Tracking progress of the project and providing status to Payroll and Treasury stakeholders
- Generated functional and technical documentation required to build the process
- Used “extreme programming” to accelerate issue resolution using Payroll subject matter experts to identify how content should be calculated or sourced
- Providing post-implementation support
- Transferring files from mainframe to Unix servers using OS/390 FTP and importing data into Excel spreadsheets using Visual Basic macros
- Maintained CICS/COBOL/VSAM and ADABAS programs for Department of Education budget and personnel functions
- Maintained ADABAS/SQL programs for telephone billing
- Generated ad hoc reports using NATURAL and NATURAL Construct
- Created testing plans for modified, enhanced or created application system components
- Generating test cases using File-Aid and SYNCSORT.
Technologies: ADABAS, NATURAL, NATURAL Construct, NATURAL Connect, FTP, TCP/IP, Visual Basic, COBOL, VSAM, File-Aid, Excel, Word, Access, Connect:Direct (NDM), SDS7
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- Constructed online modules for individual income tax processing using COBOL and IDMS DC
- Wrote code specificiation documents and constructed taxpayer name history subsystem using COBOL II and IDMS/ADSO.
- Wrote code specification documents and constructed data structures for spousal tax liabilities.
- Creating data base records and defining new data base fields in data dictionary.
- Created data retrieval application for IVU to provide immediate tax filing status feedback
- Technologies: IDMS, ADSO, OLQ, DMLO, MAPC, ADSC, ADSA, IDMS OLQ/SQL, COBOL/370, Expediter, SDSF
- Generated task plans to outline phases of request processing—requirements clarification, functional documentation, technical approach and construction—for commercial student-loan applicant tracking and loans data base maintenance
- Created data query application to support interactive voice unit (IVU) providing feedback to applicants and loan recipients
- Wrote testing plans to provide testing for business systems analysts to proof final products prior to deployment
- Served as data base administrative support by creating data base records and new data fields in data dictionary using IDMS data base administration tools.
- Performed regression testing using IDMS SQL queries with IBM mainframe (OS/390) utilities and SAS statistical analysis to compare and validate expected test data variances and reduce time for issue resolution and final approvals.
- Generating test data using File-Aid and SYNCSORT; using SmartTest to validate source code changes
- Technologies: IDMS, ADSO, OLQ, DMLO, OLM, ADSG, ADSA, SQL, SmartTest, File-Aid, SyncSort, Expediter, CA-Optimizer, SDSF
- Served as a liaison between MIS staff and EDS technical team to provide requirements for sales, warehousing and payroll legacy applications which would be posting journal entries to General Ledger and payables financial applications.
- Prototyped reports and interaction screens using CA-CAS 1.3/CA-IDMS tools such as Culprit, ADSC, ADSG and OLQ.
- Gathered requirements for financial accounting monthly and quarterly reporting needs and created code specification documents
- Served as data base administrator to produce data base capacity forecasts for expansion needs
- Served as secondary database administration support and created data dictionary entries, recompile of DMCL and schemas
- Served as lead application analyst for CA-CAS General Ledger and Sales application support
- Served as lead application analyst as secondary support for Payables and Receivables
- Presented information on the use of IDMS as a data base tool and application development tool to IT coworkers
- Provided formal training and handouts to aid IT coworkers become competent users of the IDMS tools
- Technology: CICS, CA-IDMS, CA-CAS, COBOL, VSAM, JCL, Fortran, Easytrieve, ICCF, VSE, VM, CA-SORT
- Created coding specifications based on functional design documents to create code modules supporting rental rate maintenance data bases
- Created coding specifications to improve the throughput of online transactions used to maintain rental rates.
- Wrote specifications and coded module to provide data exchange between IBM and Unisys mainframe databases using shared hyperspaces, IDMS, DB2, MQ Series, Assembler, JCL PROC and COBOL II.
- DB2, IDMS, COBOL II, JCL, DMS II, Unisys, ISPF, IBM Mainframe MVS JCL, Assembler, SyncSort, SDSF