About Me
I have an excellent balance of public and private sector experience as well as even strength on technical and customer relation issues.
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Portfolio Projects
- SQL Server Database Administration (Maintenance Plans, Reindexing, Single Sign-on Setup, Password Synchronization)
- Visual Basic 6.0 Development, MS SQL Server 2000, and MS Access (97,2000,2002,2007), T-SQL, PL-SQL, Oracle Reporting and Scripting using TOAD
- Active Directory Security Administration for HR Designated Servers (Data Server, Terminal Services Server, and Application Server)
- Created Reporting Services and Applications for Inventory, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, and Operations Personnel Using Visual Basic, Crystal Reports, Reporting Services
- Created Views, Stored Procedures, Triggers and ADO Code in Visual Basic for Manipulating SQL Server Data
- Administration, Security, Development, Analysis, Support on Ceridian Source 500 Database (HRIS System)
- Providing training, documentation, and guidance to permanent employees to ensure reliable system operation upon departure
- Visual Basic 6.0 Development , MS Access (97,2000,2002,2003.2007), MS SQL Server 7.0 and MSDE, Reporting Services and Created Views, Stored Procedures, and ADO Code in Visual Basic for Manipulating SQL Server Data
- Analysis on Personal and Commercial Insurance Financial Information
- Reported Sales, Summaries, and Trends for more than 500,000 Transactions
- Prepared reports for comparative and trend analysis versus previous five years of data
- Modifying the reporting database for Customer Service Personnel
- Created New Interface for User Inquiries regarding Field Office Operations
- Developed and implemented a user management interface for database expandability functions.
- Providing training, documentation, and guidance to permanent employees to ensure reliable system operation upon departure
- Database Support, Patching, and Installations with Payroll and Reporting Application Vendor (Highline, ePersonality, Discoverer) on Local and Virtual Application and Database Server
- Writing SQL Scripts for Oracle 11 R2 Database using TOAD for PL/SQL Scripting
- Security Administration for Oracle Application
- Creating Export for Encryption to Equifax, ADP, and other HR Secure Data Recipients
- HR Support as needed for Payroll Application
- SSRS Report Development, Support, and Deployment using SQL Server and Oracle Data
- SSIS Development for DTS and other Scheduled Data Extracts
- Data Scrubs for Referential Integrity for Automated Data Imports
- Writing SQL Scripts for Stored Procedure and User Defined Function in SQL Server 2005/2008
- Writing SQL Scripts and SSIS Packages using Business Intelligence Development Tools for Data Population that will be executed from Development, Test, and Production Servers by Task Scheduler and SQL Server Agent
- SQL Server 2005/2008 SSRS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) Platform
- Converting Queries to Stored Procedures and Creating User-Defined Functions on SQL Server 2005/2008 platform
- Inventories and Documented all Reports and their Data Sources for Project Management Team
Providing training, documentation, and guidance to permanent employees
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- Analysis on Real Estate Loan Financier Work Processes, Cases, and Workflow for more than 11 Billion Dollar Loan Portfolio
- Writing SQL Scripts for Stored Procedure and User Defined Function in SQL Server 2008/2012
- Writing SQL Scripts and SSIS Packages using Business Intelligence Development Tools for Data Population that will be executed from Development, Test, and Production Servers by Autosys
- Converting Reports from MS Access to SQL Server 2008/2012 Crystal XIII (Business Objects) Platform
- Converting Reports from MS Access to SQL Server 2008/2012 SSRS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) Platform
- Converting Queries to Stored Procedures and Creating User-Defined Functions on SQL Server 2008/2012 platform
- Inventories and Documented all Reports and their Data Sources for Project Management Team
- Developed and implemented a user management interface for database expandability functions.
- Providing training, documentation, and guidance to permanent employees to ensure reliable system operation upon departure
- Created SQL Scripts for Server Maintenance and Data Integrity Auditing