About Me
Total 3.8 years of IT experience as Software Test Engineer (Functional & Automation Testing and Support)...
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Portfolio Projects
Worked as Software Test Engineer in Automation Testing(Web Application).
- Design theData driven Framework using Excel Sheet that will maintain the Test Data according to the Test Cases..
- Worked on Page Object Modeldesign Pattren using Page Factory to enchance the scripts.Created the optimized code by using reusable page methods in the POM Classes.
- Writing the Test Scriptsaccording to the test steps in testcases usingSelenium ,Java and TestNG annotations.Covered all the positive and negative scenarios.Executed the Test Scripts using TestNG and shows the test results in Extent Report.
Infosys McCamish Systems LLC provides life insurance and annuity businessprocess outsourcing (BPO) services. It offers employer sponsored solutions, such asproduct, plan design, documentation, and administrative solutions for variousemployer-sponsored and voluntary insurance benefit plans
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Worked as Automation Tester.
Project Name - Bharti Taj- telecome based Project.
- Automate the Airtel UI Based application that provide so many services like provisioning ,DE provisioning of particular MSISDN using Selenium WebDriver & TestNG.
- Design theData driven Framework using Excel Sheet that will maintain the Test Data according to the Test Cases.
- Page Object Model design pattrenis used to create Object Repository for Web UI Element.Separatingtheabstraction of test object and test Scripts,test maintenance and reducing code duplication.
- Perform the API Automation of Restful API using Rest Assured