About Me
20+ years of IT experience. Seeking Team Lead or Sr. Software Developer. Languages: Angular8, NET using C#, VB.net, ASP.net, Web services, Azure, APIs and SQLServer. Managed 4 consultants (2 offshore, 2 on-site). Have full project life cycle experien...
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Portfolio Projects
Updating, modifying, bug fixes and modifying the State of Mississippi highly encrypted Medicaid website.
Angular8 used to create webservices and interface with server API calls to retrieve data from outside companies as part of having the user see the complete history regarding their claim and health benefits.
Angular8, HTML5, Visual Studio, C#, ASP.Core, Azure, SQlServer, LinQ, Oracle, TFS, Agile, multi-tier three layered service pattern architecture. IIS and Norton Security
Angular8 used to create N-tier architecture web services and interface with server API calls to retrieve data from outside companies as part of having the user see the complete history regarding their claim and health benefits.
We work in a cross team environment. Supported a team using Python code which is being ported over to C# NET platform
We use Jenkins and Github and Docker for bug tracking, releases and DevOps distribution
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Update AFFIRM website by modifying Angular8 SPA webpages to qualify applicants for life insurance & annuity products.
Modified Angular8 WebPages to comply with DTCC industry requirements.
Wrote Restful API using Angular8 to retrieve life insurance and annuity information from providers.
C#, ASP.Core, SQLServer, Javascript, HTML5 CSS, XML, CSV, and Webservices.
Customized client applications to keep up with the clients ever changing requirements
Used Jenkins, GIT, GitHub, Octopus for version control and production releases.
SQLserver used to store all encrypted client data, and update the client stored procedures for changes requested by clients
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Enhanced FPLES Billing Manager (BM) using C#, ASP.Core, HTML5 and SQLServer 2016. FPL sells add-on products to our electrical customers. BM allows CSRs to service ELP, ESP, SSC and SSP products. Latest Infragistics and Teleriks 3rd party controls used in IT dept.
Enhanced and updated Angular8 quality application which was used to rate the CSR based a strict criteria for best customer service experience.
Wrote WebAPI to exchange data between servers and ASP web apps. & SQLServer, Oracle, IBM Mainframe DBs.
Created, Designed and Enhanced new ASP.Core forms and code. Debugged, Tested and move latest code into production.
Wrote Web APIs to interface with IBM mainframe, Oracle DB and SQLserver DBs.
Designed new reporting system to generate 100+ SurgeShield reports needed by CSRs. My manager wanted me to create 100+ templates for each report. I created several tables in DB and stored the paragraph data in a table. Data was pulled into app and when CSR requested customer report data was inserted into Infragistics report tool with the exact format needed by Marketing dept. Instead of 100+ templates there is now 1. Paragraph data can be changed as needed in DB without having to change the BM application each time Marketing changes report format. Will save enormous amount of time and resources managing that many reports.
Managed 4 consultants (2 offshore, 2 on-site). Assigned tasks, assisted them with their questions and technical difficulties, explained FPL infrastructure.
Wrote 100+ stored procedures, functions, views, cursors and table creation. Performed admin functions and Interfaced with QA to ensure timely bug fixes and enhancements requested by Ops and ITI vendor.
Modified and Enhanced quality web Silverlight application for Quality Assurance dept.
Wrote over a dozen webservices so that the C# billing manager application could retrieve data from our IBM Mainframe. That data was then merged with our SQLServer data and send to 4 different departments to create marketing campaigns to grow our business.
Enhanced and designed Quality VB.NET application. Also worked with Silverlight and ASP.MVC.
Created RESTful webservices for DB access and CRUD operations
Ported apps from Windows servers to Azure cloud and developed new applications on the cloud.
Designed new reporting system. Streamlined 165 templates for customer letters into one template. Placed all paragraph information into database. Letters were then retrieved when ready to print from database. This saved us an enormous amount of time maintaining these reports from 4 different marketing departments. Managed 4 consultants (2 offshore, 2 on-site). Assigned tasks, assisted with their assignments and technical difficulties, explained FPL infrastructure and had weekly meetings with them.
Wrote 100+ stored procs, functions, views, cursors, and table creation. Admin rights, Interfaced with QA to ensure timely bug fixes and enhancements requested by Ops and ITI vendor.
Wrote about 25 SSIS packages to create fast data extracts, transformations, and data loading. Used SSRS to create 17 reports for the Marketing, Homeserve, Quality, and Redpoint departments.
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Humana purchased a company in TX. Migrated disparaged data from eCW database to new Humana database called ACMG in SQLServer 2012. This entailed migrating patients, patients history, labs, schedules, vitals, appointments, allergies, & referrals.
Experience with ETL, XML, XSL, Schema, and DTD
Modified winforms applications to add new forms, new fields and use updated controls in VS 2012 using ASP.MVC to create easy to use winform app so CSR could assist customers with their medical, dental and vision healthcare plans.
Knowledge and Understanding CCDA document architecture
XML, JSON, Javascript also used to modify webpages
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Created, Designed, Tested Costco website changes to support new ITI vendor. Used VS2010, ASP/VB 4.0. Created 28 Webservices so ITI could update, insert & retrieve data from SQLServer 2008. Updated existing Website included use of CSS, MasterPages, and Ajax controls.
Designed Web APIs Restful apps to reach a broad range of clients including both mobile varied web browsers.
Interfaced with QA to ensure timely bug fixes and enhancements requested by Ops and ITI vendor.
Wrote over 75 stored procedures in SQLServer 2008 to support Costco app
Wrote 3 webservices in VB for Alliant which allowed outside vendor to update our SQLServer DB Created ASP.MVC/JSon website so outside vendors could update customer employment data. Model contained data structures to perform SCUD operations in SQLServer. View (webpage) was created to update employee benefits, salaries, COA and 401k info. The controller handled HTTP requests using Post and Send requests
Created 13 SSIS packages for Autosys environment to handle a variety of internal processes.
Use of TDD to test software changes and ensure that code does not introduce previous bugs.
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