About Me
I have professional experience in the Information Technology industry with proven track of Dot Net Development. I have extensively worked on Web based applications and demonstrated the abilities to maintain and support mission critical projects. I al...
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Portfolio Projects
Titan is project management, one stop employee quickview solution. Titan manages the project timeline, cost incurred, number of hours burnt till date etc. Apart from project management, and employee quick view, titan also integrateswith MSBI whichis then used to pull monlthly reports, and forecasting.
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Qnaft is fuel procurement system, which basically manages and maintains the cost of the fuel consumption by the aircraft. It also generates the tenders, and contract for various locations having different suppliers. Also, fuel cost varies on the basis of location to which the aircraft travels, hence there are different types of taxes generated for different locations, and therefore the system needs to forecast the profit/loss before generating a tender for any location. Admin can send tender invitations as well as provide contract to the suppliers. Also, this application is used for generating excel report for various forecasting scenarios.
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This Application is a SaaS based model. The application is being developed using MVC4.0, angular.js in the front end. The primary objective of this project is to maintain a detail record of employees, assigning job to them, forecasting the project completion and initiation. Redesigning and generating reports for the companys revenue. The application also has privilege to send auto generated emails via SMTP server ones a contact or employees is added to the company. It also takes care of scheduling and setting up the goals for specific projects with respect to the corresponding client.
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The primary objective of this system is to provide a solution for the companies to keep a track of various infrastructural work carried out for constructing a project example:-providing equipment, welding management, etc. In order to provide various infrastructure solution, system describes set of process and workflows based on which the solution is provided to carry on an infrastructure work.The backend data is served by SAP and WCF services over http protocol. Together, these were merged into a common consumption services which was then consumed at the business layer to perform GET, POST and PUT operation.In the front end Kendo UI (Telerik control) is used to design the control.
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CCA Global is one of the largest privately held companies involved in various business solutions and one of its business division is CCA Flooring America and Canada, which involves in providing nations largest floor covering co-operative. Having said this, CCA came up with an idea of having a web portal to provide a financial solution of selling its products to the market.This web portal maintains a track of the sold items and also is used as an accounting tool to calculate the net profit and loss for the financial year. It also forecasts the upcoming discount and margins. Apart from it, it has various built in functionalities which makes it a helpful tool to be used within CCA-Global.
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St. Josephs college is a web based portal, which is built on MVC4 and Entity Framework. The project covers implementation of on-line and on-campus portal for maintaining students, faculties, and account details. This portal is more of accounting based software which is used and managed by college to maintain and keep a track of its own accounting transactions. This solution is basically built in keeping the business forecasting, and targets for and by the billing department.
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This Application is a web based solution to manage apartments and villas. The application is being developed using ASP.Net Framework 4.0, using Model-View-Controller (MVC3) architecture pattern.MVC pattern separates the application into three main components, the Model, the View and the Controller.The Model objects are parts of the application that implement the logic for the applications data domain.The View is the components that display the applications user interface (UI), typically this UI is created from a given model data.The Controllers are the components that handle user interaction, work with the model, and ultimately select a view to render that displays UI. In an MVC application, the view only displays information; the controller handles and responds to user input and interaction.
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As the name suggests, this tool is built to automate the test cases before the project is deployed to the production environment. It uses selenium API to automate the test cases. The test cases are project specific and uses a configuration file, using which the automated function are explicitly implemented.
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In the site New Users can register and create a login id profile of their own. After getting registered, the project offers the following features.Register (New users)Login (Existing users)Edit profile(change password)Colleges - search for colleges- Courses - Find courses in the selected college.- Classmates - Find students studied in the college. Search by academic year or student name.- Photos - View photos from the selected college.Courses - search for courses and find colleges offering the course.Universities - search for universities and find colleges affiliated to the university.
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