About Me
I have 14 years of Software industry experience, out of which 11-years into Testing and 3 years into development Strong in Functional testing, System Testing, Integration testing, Adhoc testing, User-Acceptance testing. 3+ years of Mobile apps functi...
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Portfolio Projects
NumberMall is the new age e-distribution platform, that empowers kirana store owners by connecting them to FMCG brand directly. It has a strong vision to connect every fast moving consumer brand to the 14 million kirana stores in India on its tech platform.
For thousands of kirana stores, NumberMall is the trusted sourcing platform.They need not wait for the traditional distributor sales representatives to take their orders, no more closing the store and visiting the wholesale market for the buying the stocks, no more worrying about working capital.
For the FMCG brands, Numbermall is the trusted distribution platform, where the brands can be assured of the widest reach of their products including C and D class kirana stores.
For FMCG start ups, Numbermall provides strategic support by offering end-to-end supply chain logistics including marketing and distribution of their brands, thus enabling them brand visibility and accessibility
Test plan development for various apps
Review of test design speciation
Manage the multiple apps
Test reporting
Bugs/Change req review meetings with Stake holders
Test automation strategy
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Builders update is a new homes tool for real estate agents and their buyers. we feature tens-of-thousands of new homes across the country from hundreds of builders. see floor plans, elevations, photos, pricing, community amenities, special offers and more. if you would like access to view new homes, register by clicking below to connect with a real estate agent. including yours. there are different types of users like Agent, Buider, Home buyer, where each one can able to search the new properties via Map or search tool and can send information to the clients. the search of property is based on city, cost, number of beds, number of Garagaes, school district etc. the agent can notify the properties to client by email and monthly news letter.Users can register on site and can choose the property based on their need.
Agents can access up-to-date inventory & to-be-built homes.they can connect & communicate seamlessly with builders. it can get information on community & home incentives. they recieve notication on newly available inventory. Ability to add a new homes search widget to your website. they protect your commissons by registering buyers.
Builders , can list inventory and to-be-built homes for Free. Feature incentives, special offers, amenities & more. they sell homes quicker with the help of agents with buyers. they Reach agents right from their MLS dash board, Be recognize as an agent-freindly builder
- Functional testing
- Regression testing
- test design for new features
- Test Automation using selenium
- Manage the team
K-IPS is automation of the now Manual system of maintaining the Individual Plan of Study of the students going to the schools in the state of Kansas. The automated system eases the selection and maintaining of the records of the Interest areas and career choice made by the students through their Sophomore, Junior, Senior and Graduation phases of education.The main objective of developing this software is to automate the now manual system. The primary users of the system are Counsellors of the School District. Other users of the system are Students, Parents, Teachers and Principals of the Schools.
K-IPS will enable counsellors (and students to a certain degree) to enter and maintain the Education history, credit reports and the career enhancement data of all the students allotted to them in a secure manner, there by speeding up and easing maintenance and sharing of the Student plan of study information as compared to the manual system. The system will support data export/import and entry to support all the functionality
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Description: Know your customer Customer will be evaulated based on country of incorporation, entity hype and business activities. risk will be calculated based on user inputs. The system will interact with lot of data source of system to retrieve the user information. The system has user interface based on country selection, client profile and product business area , the product calculate the risk of customer . the system has provision to access third party database to verify the client and has provison to upload the documents for evidence purpose.
- Functional testing
- Test design specification
- Test reporting
Test automation using selenium
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Phoenix CoreArchitect 2.1.1 (PCA 2.1.1) provides a complete, fully integrated suite of tools with a custom GUI environment designed specifically for core system software development. PCA 2.1.1 includes the following powerful features: Powerful Microsoft Visual Studio for rapid design and deployment Phoenix-customized GUI for core system software development Advanced, integrated tool set for easy product design and testing Synergistic environment that leverages the strengths of Microsoft and Phoenix Technologies Ltd. Extensible, multi-language core system software architecture Plug-and-play environment for creating core system software for a wide range of devices
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Phoenix Failsafe is a service and support system infrastructure designed to remotely protect and track lost or stolen PC devices. Through FailSafe, owners with registered devices can communicate with their lost device easily and securely over the Internet. Access privileges are granted by the owner according to a predefined policy, and the owner maintains the ability to monitor usage, revoke or limit access, protect data, or disable the device at any time.
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Phoenix is developing an enhanced personal computing experience with the Hyper Core/ Hyperspace product. Phoenix HyperCore is an optimized hyper visor that is designed to run a secure environment (the Phoenix HyperSpace ) simultaneously with a traditional personal computer OS such as Microsoft Windows Vista . Phoenix HyperCore/HyperSpace offers increased predictability, serviceability and reliability of the PC. Phoenix HyperCore is engineered to be a lightweight virtualization engine providing simplicity and minimal performance impact to user OS while providing a sophisticated platform for OEM to provide value added services to differentiate their PC offerings
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IPSO-SB is FreeBSD coupled with proprietary changes made by Nokia has resulted in a reliable, scalable, secure operating system. NMS is a module comprising of user interface and configuration management for IPSO-SB Operating system. In NMS there are modules like Voyager (Web based Interface), CLI (Command Line Interface), CDK (Configuration Development Kit) & Translator which take care of the functionality of user interface and configuration management. Voyager is a TCL scripting web-based interface used for configuration of IPSO-SB. CDK comprises of routines that provide configuration support to one or more specific parts of the operating system. Usually, a CDK module helps in configuring a feature or software component. CDK validates the database entries, applies the configuration changes to the system, whenever there is a configuration change or applies configuration to the system whenever the IPSO-SB machine is rebooted, responds to queries when there are no database entries using External Live Handlers & responds to queries, the response for which might be derived from multiple bindings using Database Live Handlers. Translator is a process forked from CDK to apply the changes of the feature specific configuration file.
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The Geneva Active Rating Engine (GARE) is designed to cost events and insert them into the Geneva database. It is intended to handle the rating of telephone calls - but not to be so tied to that model as to be unusable in other applications. This has resulted in a quite complex data model, but one that should provide a great deal of flexibility. The Rating Engine can also be used for importing pre-costed events.
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Reuters station project mainly consists of two products: 1 Reuters Station – desktop application 2 Reuters Bridge Channel – web based application Both the products are financial data analysis products, which get real time financial data from exchanges all over the world. This data is used by Financial-experts, bankers, stockbrokers, etc… for watching the live market and for technical/fundamental analysis of financial data. The products contain many displays, which represent the financial data in various different views offering numerous analysis techniques and studies.
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IP Server Gen-2 is a power substation data concentration and monitoring server. The IP Server interacts with several power substation devices called IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) to collect the data. The IP server provides data to the users through a web interface or provides the collected data to a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) mater station. IP Server includes as many as 50 different applications; these applications can be categorized as follows, 1 Data Collection Applications The Data Collections Applications (DCAs) communicate with the IEDs over a serial or Ethernet link using various protocols to collect power substation data. Some of these protocols include SEL, DNP3, IEC 103, SPA-BUS, BECO 2200 etc. The DCAs collect the data from IEDs and update the RTDB (Real Time Database) with the latest available data. 2 Data Presentation Applications The Data Presentation Applications (DPAs) reads the data from the RTDB and present the data to a SCADA master station. 3 Human Machine Interface The Human Machine Interface (HMI) is a web interface, through which the administrator can configure the power substation devices. User can create One-Line Drawings to represent the power substation topology. The One-line drawing displays the run-time data while viewing for the included devices. The HMI is also used to control the devices and issues control commands.
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The OMC supports the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the Motorola equipment in a GSM Cellular network.i.e Remote Transcoder and BSS (Including BSC and BTS Sites). And connecting links. The OMC provides a graphical user interface that allows operators to monitor and control the network elements that are managed by the OMC. It allows operators to manage the configuration of devices in the network. Manage the software version that is being executed on each network element Monitor alarms from links and from devices in the network element Monitor and change the operational status of devices in the network Collect and generate reports on performance statistics compiled by network elements. The OMC connection to BSSs and RXCDR is over X.25
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RMDS distribution architecture facilitates the reliable flow of real-time market data from data feed handlers and other programs supplying information through the core RMDS architecture, to a range of analytical and display applications The Core RMDS distribution architecture provides the underlying software components that manage the dataflow both to and from the network.
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Automatic Dependent surveillance (ADS) System is aimed at taking the Air Traffic Services (ATS) to a full CNS/ATM (Communications, Navigation, Surveillance / Air Traffic Management) environment based on the emerging Future Air Navigation System (FANS) specification (a Committee formed by International Civil Aviation organization) The proposed system CNS/ ATM was based on satellite technology and compatible with the existing system. Objective of the project is to provide full automation of air traffic controlling (ATC), increase the level of tactical control, reduce separation among aircrafts, allocate optimum cruise levels, direct (flex) routing, and increase safety standards on the basis of controller intervention capability and other ATM improvements, there by further increasing air space capacity. The System realized for this project is divided into three parts as under, Front-end server, Application server and display server, together linked on dual Ethernet; front-end server is capable of communication with external world through various channels consisting of X.25, RS-232, and VHF data-link interfaces. The received messages are decoded and sent to the application server for further processing. Application server runs the flight plan data processing software (FDPS) and ADS software and is the heart of the system. All display information is passed to the display workstation for user presentation. Display server presents the situation display to the controller in real-time and provides various user interface menus for interaction with the system.
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In this project we provided 3 types of Views for Administrator for an Expert and for Common User. In this the login user will select his own group out of the available groups.i.e. He/she subscribed for that group. His/her future Questions should relate to this group only. There is a provision to change his/her subscribed group.
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CSPTS is an intranet tool for tracking the entire selection process of a short listed consultant. The scope of the system is limited to capturing the consultant details, searching and tracking the selection process. The user will be given an option to locate a consultant using a search criterion.
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