About Me
Energetic & mission focussed technology expert having expertise in new products and services
- DevOps CD - Ansible
- DevOps CI Tools - Git, Jenkins
- Containers - Docker Containers, <...
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Portfolio Projects
- Installation of OpenShift 3.11 on VMware Environment
- Involved in solving defects and bugs while performing the installation
- Published all the Related Documents such as Installation Manual, Configuration & Operations, User Guide & Technical Service Description.
- Delivered & Presented complete CI/CD pipeline (Automated Builds & Deployments)
- Delivered various methods of communications from outside the cluster with the services running in the cluster.
- Installation of VMware PKS on VMware & ESA environment.
- Involved in solving defects and bugs while performing the installation
- Involved in various Networking design/Configurations using VMware NSX.
- PKS version upgrades.
- Published all the Related Documents such as Installation Manual, Configuration & Operations, User Guide & Technical Service Description.
- Developed/Ported OpenStack (Icehouse/Kilo/Mitaka) Compute node, Controller node & OpenContrail vRouter Packages.
- Automation of functional test cases/use cases (SNAT, SG, LBAAS v1/v2 etc.) using the Terraform and validate the functionality using the Terraform, OpenStack and Contrail APIs.
- Setting up the different scenarios, features, reproducing bugs in Devstack environment for validating and fixing it.
- Involved in deploying the contrail services in Kubernetes.
- Data Path Performance testing of OpenContrail using tools like Mgen, Locust, Prox and analyse various parameters (Flow rate, max flow, throughput etc.)
- Patching of neutron code and contrail plugin to support and run LBAAS v1/v2 simultaneously.
- Automation of Load Balancer as a service (LBAAS v1/v2) stack using the Terraform tool.
- Load testing against the LBAAS stack using the Locust tool.
- Involved in solving defects and reported bug.
- Design and Developed Topology for vCPE solution supporting different vNF’s like Firewall, IPSEC, Trend Micro and NAT.
- Developed/Ported OpenStack (Icehouse/Kilo) compute node, Controller node & OpenContrail vRouter Packages.
- Added different package in kernel like TUN/TAP, Bridging, KVM, LXC to support OpenStack compute node Modules on Platform.
- Automated OpenStack Compute node installation using Shell Scripts.
- Done Modifications in Nova/virt module in python to generate Platform dependent XML template to launch different KVM/LXC/Docker based VM’s.
- Changes done in Nova/Neutron modules for run time selection of Neutron agents like OVS, brctl and vRouter for launching VMs.
- Deployed Network Service Chaining of Network Services which tied up together for Orchestration of Virtual Network Services.
- Unit and Integration testing of latest releases of OpenStack with Network Services Chaining.
- Involved in solving defects and reported bug.