About Me
- Managing, Installing and configuring various Linux Flavor’s (Cent-OS, Ubuntu, RHEL, Kali etc.)
- Configuration and management of DHCP, NIS, NFS, SFTP, FTP, HTTP, SSH, Squid proxy and Mail Servers.
- Monitoring system Perfo...
- Monitoring system Performance of Virtual memory, Managing Swap space, Disk utilization and CPU utilization and performance.
- Managing file permissions and ownerships & Managing file system partitions
- Configure Apache server, Squid Server, Samba Server etc.
- LVM - Storage management, LVM configuration, Extend LVM, Reduce LVM, Remove LVM.
- Linux OS patching and Upgrade a minor version
- User & Group Administration and Management, Manages process priorities and User accounts troubles shouting
- Backup Management
- Database Services: MySql, Mariadb
- Handling and troubleshooting all the issues related to Linux.
- YUM Server configuration and Patch Management.
- Troubleshoot fail-over & fail-back issues. Data Backups, configuration, scheduling &restoration.
- Knowledge of Linux Boot Procedure.
- Creating and maintaining Users and Groups.
- Install, remove, and query new packages using rpm and yum.
- Disk Management: Creating & deleting partitions.
- Automate tasks with cron.
- Working knowledge on trouble shooting issues.
- Virtualization Xen, Hyper-v, Vmware etc.
DevOps Administrations:-
Containerization tool:
- Docker:--Created & Build images for applications like Apache, WordPress, MySql. Configured Docker Swarm to orchestrate containers.
Configuration Management tool:
- Ansible:-- Provisioning, Orchestrate & Configure Nodes through Ansible. Automating the installation and configuration of various application Like Apache, MySql, PhpMyAdmin through Playbooks and Roles.
Version Control System:
· Kubernetes :- Nodes, pods, services, deployment etc.
· Jenkins :- Server Maintenance, Automated Deployment, Management, Configuration etc.
Cloud Computing AWS (Amazon Web services )
- Creating and managing different Linux EC2 instances
- Creating and managing RDS(Database),connectivity and configuration in AWS
- Creating and managing VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)
- Creating and Managing Users, Groups & Permissions to Control Access through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Creating and managing VM auto scale in AWS.Managing VMs with ELB(Elastic Load Balance )
- Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud).Amazon IAM (Identity & Access Management)
- Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud.
Data & Analytics
Web Development
Development Tools
Programming Language
Networking & Security
Operating System
Mobile Apps
Software Engineering
Portfolio Projects
Maintaining Emloyee Activities
requirements of employee
services enable disable
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Redhat windows Server 2012Company
windows server
ayushman bharat project
DevOps Engineer
We were a team of 4 members where I was playing the Linux engineer role for one of the biggest Indian Healthcare Government projects. The project was to maintain the official website and provide support.I was responsible for following tasks
Server check
CPU utilization
SSL Validation
Server logs
Database Check
Disk Utilization check
Backup Check , etc as for the client requirement any troubleshoot .
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RHEL Docker Kubernetes