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I am looking forward to join a progressive organization. I am Strong team builder. I have high level of personal morals and integrity. I am goal oriented, self-motivated and committed to the successful outcome of the project. I am willing to work har...
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Portfolio Projects
This is the food order system with following features.
Manage Customer Accounts.
Customer Reviews & Rating
Manage restaurants against cities
Manage categories, food items and food item options
Manage day wise Menu of all food items
Order and Invoice history
Take payments online using PayPal
Shopping cart system to allow easy purchase of food items
Automatic email and sms notification of orders
Full checkout procedure
Quick search for cities and their restaurants with the help of Google map
Finding food items with the help of categories Filter
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- Class Management: you can sort and search any class.
- Exam Management: against every class if you add subject and their total marks. In exam section, against any class enter obtain marks. And system will generate every student total marks, percentage, grade and whole result card in print form. You can also send this report to their parents through sms system. Whole exam history will be maintain against every student.
- Parent management: you can sort and search any parent.
- Student management: here you can generate pdf, excel, csv, print and also copy and paste of student Record.
You can search, sort any student. You can filter students on the bases of attendance and fee status. You can send sms to any single student or multi and also create group of students and then send sms to this group.
- Fee Management: you can generate fee against any class and can take print of fee vouchers. If any student will not submit their fee of any month, this fee will be added in to arrears. And whole fee history will be maintained against every student.
- Attendance Management: when you mark attendance against any class. Absent student’s parent will receive a notification through mobile sms. Attendance whole history is also maintained.
- Asset and Expenditure Management: Organization’s all assets and expenditures can be managed on daily base in this section. Reports of expenditures and assets can also be generated.
- A soap application.
- Relational database creates between web services and local database.
- An event management site where companies create events and member of site register for these events.
- A complex member referral module where against a event, register member refer a person or other register members rating to this member.
- A point given system, where a member get point by referring people to register on site. And if a new person register on this site referred by site member, member get points and also child parent relationship built. A complete tree view creates on this child parent relationship where admin allow to move a child node from one node to another node and according to this node scenario point distribution will be changed.
- Complex quires in reporting module.
- Get data of events from web services and member data from local database and create an event invitation module.
A soap application.Relational database creates between web services and local database.An event management site where companies create events and member of site register forthese events.A complex member referral module where against a event, register member refer aperson or other register members rating to this member.A point given system, where a member get point by referring people to register on site.And if a new person register on this site referred by site member, member get points andalso child parent relationship built. A complete tree view creates on this child parent relationship where admin allow to move a child node from one node to another node andaccording to this node scenario point distribution will be changed.Complex quires in reporting module.Get data of events from web services and member data from local database andcreate an event invitation module.
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Main Module is Product Management, the fields of products are totally controllable. You canadd any field like (text, text area, dropdown, checkbox)and remove a field from backendwithout going into code and also create group of these fields for reusability purpose.Contact Module with different type of filtration and sorting.Email Module, where you can see inbox, outbox emails.Acl Module, here you can control Roles privileges.Order Module, here you can manage order, order task, order doc, two way communicationwith client via email regarding orders. You can send price quotation to client in the form ofpdf.
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The main idea of this system is to complete projects on deadlines and in cost effectiveway, report tor daily progress of employees against a project.Project divided in stages and in every stage, tasks assign to employees.Task progress effect stages progress, stages progress effect project progress. You can seethe total progress of these entities and in calendar view from starting date to parent.In Files Management module, where you can download and upload files related to specificproject. And on every activity log will maintained. Word, excel, pdf, txt, video files preview isalso managed.Access Control Level is applied on whole application. You cannot perform any actionwithout its privilege.
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This web portal is developed for patients and doctors.Using this portal, doctors can add their free appointments time slots of a day.Using this portal, patients can book available appointments time slots for particular doctor.Managed patients profile, all his previous and upcoming appointments.
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The basic idea of this system is to create assessments based of different subjects and thenthese assessments assign to the students for different tests. Using students obtained marksand standard set for a test, system will generate their grades and large scale reports. Usingphp framework behat we also did auto testing of this portal.
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Complete ecommerce shopping system with following featuresAdministration system to easily update all product details, prices, pictures, stock detailsand other information online.Manage Customer AccountsManage Wish listCustomer Reviews & RatingManage categories and productsManage Product options and related productsAdvanced pricing algorithmsOrder and Invoice historyTake payments online using PayPalShopping cart system to allow easy purchase of productsAutomatic email notification of ordersFull checkout procedureFast and friendly quick search and advanced search featuresReports of site visits, pages viewed, most viewed products, most ordered products andmost viewed categories
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