About Me
Technocrat with expertise in: IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT ~ APPLICATION DEVELOPMENTExtensive experience in executing full life-cycle development projects; ramping-up projects within time, budget & qualityparameters, as per project management & best practic...
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Portfolio Projects
I have manged TMD ERP project as a capability of Project Manager. I have envolved with full Project life cycle GAP Analyis, project execution roadmap plan, development, test plan, delivery and LIVE.
I was responsible for Project Milestone review with engineer’s on daily and weekly basis..Engineer KRA preparation and tracking to ensure everything is going well, KM Contribution, SQA Review, TS review and approval, Training o the end user about functional modules for vehicle sale and parts sale.
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TMD Kenya (Thika Motor Dealers) was established in 1989 as a dealership of General Motors (E.A) Ltd. TheCompany started operating in Thikas Industrial area and trading with the support of ICDC and other localbanks. In the early 2000s, the Company put up its current ultra-modern custom built premises on KenyattaHighway, Thika Town with a capacity to handle a large number of light and heavy commercial vehicles.Modules running here are Vehicle Sales, Parts Sales, Workshop, Purchase, Inventory, Finance & Payroll.
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I have manged Capwe ERP project as a capability of Project Leader. I have envolved with full Project life cycle GAP Analyis, project execution roadmap plan, development, test plan, delivery and LIVE.
I was responsible for Project Milestone review with engineer’s on daily and weekly basis..Engineer KRA preparation and tracking to ensure everything is going well, KM Contribution, SQA Review, TS review and approval, Training o the end user about functional modules for vehicle sale and parts sale.
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I have involved in ERP development, Gap analysis, designing, testing, and maintenance using SQL, PL/SQL and Oracle Forms/Reports.
1.Designing New Forms & Reports in 10g, PL/SQL coding and customizing the ERP.
2.Worked on centralized data architecture HO to Branch and Vice-Versa
3.Performing unit and system testing on the new development.
4.Reporting and Tracking of bugs to ensure a smooth running of the ERP.
5.Interacting with the users and providing training to them on new features deployment as per enhancement.
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Capwell Industries Limited (henceforth referred to as CIL) started its operations in 1999 with a modern maizemilling factory in Thika. It manufactures high quality flour, rice pulses and porridges, using the best processesand technologies available. CIL has since diversified its operations to rice milling, porridge milling, andpackaging of wheat flour and distribution of fruit juice: Modules running here are Inventory, Sales, Purchase,Finance, Payroll and Production-Planning, Analytics Tools, EIS, Dashboard.
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Parkland Shade Hotel Limited are a fully furnished serviced hotels designed to meet every need whetherbusiness or leisure travel, They have extended stay hotel in Kenya offers accommodations that rival any luxuryhotel in Kenya which is all decorated and equipped to a high standard, but keeping its African look and feel.Modules running here are POS, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Finance and Payroll.
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Allpack Industries Limited was established in 1992. It is a member of the IPS group of companies, which in turnis a part of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED). Allpack produces corrugated cartons andpolypropylene sacks for blue chip customers. Included in their portfolio are customers such as ColgatePalmolive, East African Industries, Cussons, Sony Sugar, and many of the key floriculture and horticulturecompanies that supply products to European markets. Modules running here are Sales, Purchase, Inventory,Production & Planning, Finance and Payroll.
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VP Logistics has one company within the division known as Freightwings Ltd. Freightwings are one of the topfive cargo agents in Kenya with a target tonnage of 27 thousand tonnes a year. They provide air freight and seafreight forwarding services to the fresh produce, flower and fish export sectors within East Africa. Modulesrunning here are Sales Air-Export, Sales Air-Import, Purchase, Inventory, Finance and Payroll.
Show More Show LessKenblest is one of the biggest distributor of bread, wheat flour and maize flour
Responsible for development of ERP product for kenblest sales business process. Training to end users for all the delivered modules. Online and Offline support for functional and technicle query.
1.Designing New Forms & Reports in 10g, PL/SQL coding and customizing the ERP.
2.Worked on centralized data architecture HO to Branch and Vice-Versa
3.Performing unit and system testing on the new development.
4.Reporting and Tracking of bugs to ensure a smooth running of the ERP.
5.Interacting with the users and providing training to them on new features deployment as per enhancement.
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Being associated with the textile industry for almost 100 years, Bhilosa incepted and breathed its first air ofpassion in 1989. The idea was to effect an exponential change in the Indian Polyester Industry. With a will toaccompany world class quality in products and structural transparency in operations, we set ourselves to putbest foot forward, in this long and exciting journey. Modules running here are Inventory, Sales, Purchase,Finance, Payroll and Production & Production Planning.
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Kaygee Loparex offers Silicone Release Liner solutions based on a wide variety of paper and film substrates. Aright selection of silicone types and curing methods is used to optimize the release properties of the finalproduct. Modules running here are Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Finance, and Payroll.
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