Kishor K.

Kishor K.

PRINCE2® Certified Project Manager I SCRUM Master

New Delhi , India

Experience: 15 Years


New Delhi , India

PRINCE2® Certified Project Manager I SCRUM Master

29093.4 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

15 Years

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About Me

ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITYEnd to end project ownership including project delivery, management andscrum masterProject controlling including deliverables, resources, budget, quality, timelineetc.Effective and efficient use of the resources to deliver proj...

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Portfolio Projects

An ERP implementation for food processing company


- End to end project management - Requirement analysis, project documentation, team/resource management, client facing - Implementation planning and training to end users


This was an Enterprice Resource Planning, web based application, developed and implemented for a food processing company. This business application digitized and automated 60% of the manual tasks of the company and their staff members which helped them to invest their valueable time elsewhere.

This implementation was carried out using agile methodology and as on-site and off-shore.

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An e-Learning platform developed and implemented for King Khalis University, SA


- Product identification to meet the requirement - Defining project development, execution, delivery and operational plan - Team identification and engagement for entire project till go live and staff


This is an e-Learning platform, implemented using and Open Source Technology, of King Khalid University (KKU) - Saudi Arabia. This platform is helping KKU to offer online learning, training, conducting examination, result declaration and many such more of the day to day educational adn operational activities which earlier were time consuming, costlier and tidious job.

This platform allows KKU to have every statistics on their fingertip and with in an eye blink. This data ultimately helps for analysis and future planning regarindg course design and offerings to the students.

This platform helped KKU to engage their operational staff to focus more on process improvements and student engagement activities. Students are finding it helpgul and easier to access anything and everything related to their academic needs.

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Blockchain based recommendation app - Web and Mobile


- Assisted client for techno-functional analysis, market research, Risk and mitigation planning - Architecture, Development, Resource engagement and Project monitoring - Product training for staff


Blinkedis the world’s first blockchain-based social media platform for recommendations to drive up to 90 percent of advertising revenue to you. Recommend anything. People, places, products, services, technology and more. Consider it the anti-facebook. The anti-yelp. A platform where your data is secured by the transparency of the blockchain. No compromises.

Mobile Application:

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An advertisement platform


- Define product - Competitive analysis - Project planning - Technical design - Resource engagement - Client/Owner's representative, SCRUM Master - Go to market strategy


Sprang provides ease of sending notification to all the subscribers at once apart from the bounds of Location or Languages. As push notification tends to be the next platform, Sprang serves for the same. Being pioneer in the pure push notification service we would love to fulfil all your needs in all aspects. Being easy and effective platform for sharing information in just a single click with subscribers of your group across the globe. Sprang completes the bridge for sending the notification to millions of subscribers in a lapse of time. Being a purely free service Sprang tends to see itself with a huge number of users across the globe in several countries. Sprang is neither bounded by limits nor by languages.

With a team of active members Sprang is improving day by day in order to provide better user experience. Sprang is totally against the Spamming and Spying. It is based on the user's interest, provides relevant data right in the application. We are always looking for the fulfilment of needs of every user of Sprang. Here's the team of young and enthusiast members working for Sprang.

Mobile application available at

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A transportation company required a relocation partner with an electronic platform. Developed a logistical management system integrated into relocation services, enhancing operational efficiency.

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Implemented an e-Commerce solution for a dairy product manufacturer, including Web and Mobile apps, Inventory and Logistics apps, ticketing app, and overall dashboard.

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This was developed as an integrated product with an IOT app to digitize the day to dayoperations of businesses dealing into Port Logistics.This is a web based ERP as backend with native mobile apps with limited features.Modules developed, configured, customised and implemented were HRMS, CRM,Purchase, Inventory and Asset including Fleet/Vehicles, Warehouse, Repair andMaintenance and Finance.The application also have external integrations with Biometric machine and IOT devicesLike GIS and Fuel sensors. There were few modules developed outside ERP andIntegrated to meet the business need.Initially this was implemented for 3 different ports and extended to 2 more ports over aPeriod of 1 year.

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A telecom and ISP PSU was looking for an end-to-end ERP, including but not limited toWeb portal, CRM, Inventory, Finance, HRMS and PMS, solution and integrate it with otherMonitoring System, HelpDesk/Ticketing System, GIS based mobile apps and Biometricbased attendance machine hardware.This was a RFP based project where-in only high level (single liner) requirements wereprovided.We reviewed, scoped and drilled down the requirements into deliverable parts. Theentire execution was carried out On-Site including design, development, deploymentand implementation. Challenging part was stakeholder and freezing the open endedrequirement. This was taken care of in bits and pieces entirely in an agile way and theproject was executed within the stipulated timeline of a year.

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L5813953 valid till Oct, 2023

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A transportation company was seeking a relocation partner with an electronic platform.The client needed a platform that permitted both third-party service providers and theircustomers to quickly search prices, relocation venues, and various trucks ability tohandle their customers personal and/or companys assets.Upon examining the challenges faced by the client, we discussed and prepared scope,timeline and cost to design and develop a logistical management system that would beintegrated into relocation services offered by the clients new service provider.The integrated system we developed with structured architecture increases theiroperational efficiency. The client appreciated the multilingual component, automaticresource planning and dynamic price calculation features specifically.

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King Khalid University - of Saudi Arabia were looking for technologypartners in order to avail the online education to their students. Their technical andadministrative expectations were very clear from day one. Be it timeline, cost,deliverables, communication etc. The client was very clear and strict about it. Our teammet their expectations and delivered the product within stipulated time and budget.King Khalid University (KKU) is considered one of the best educational institutions in theKingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since its establishment in 1998 AD ( 1419 H ), it has offered thebest higher education programs and many of the finest leads in Saudi Arabia hadgraduated from KKU and they have contributed to the development of the country.

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A marketing start-up from the USA has partnered with our organisation to gain ourtechnical experiences and apply it into their business to digitize, automate and scale itby multifolds with in short span of the time.At the starting point, the client was not much clear with their business roadmap whichwas stopping us to design the technical solution for them. We took this assignment as achallenge and started in agile fashion. Get connected with the respective team membersfrom client side to understand their pain areas and end goal. This exercise helps us draftand present an initial version of the technical solution which we kept improving withtime. As a result of all these dedication and efforts we developed and delivered them amobile app for their business needs which is helping them to grow their business. Thiswas WORLDS FIRST BLOCKCHAIN-BASED SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM FORRECOMMENDATIONS.blinkedcom is the worlds first blockchain-based social media platform forrecommendations to drive up to 90 percent of advertising revenue to you. Recommendanything - people, places, products, services, technology and more. This platform is incompetition with worlds well known and renowned social media platforms like facebookor yelp. This platform ensures and takes the responsibility of the data security with totaltransparency

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