About Me
To develop high degree of proficiency as Software engineer, so as to contribute best of myabilities to the industry with at most sincerity and dedication. What I seek in a carrier is a challenge at every step, a catalyst for my passion to achievetarg...
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Portfolio Projects
The tool is a windows based application which will be used by the claim consultant. Which will facilitate the claim process. This tool captures information that require the claim
Role: Complete project management, build and release, planning the sprint, support development team if any queries and gathering customer requirements. Technical Support managing L1 and L2 support.
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This is a web based application developed using MVC- Angular Js and SQL Server as the backend, This application helps the farmers insurance team to calculate the premium of insurance based on factors. We currently have 4 LOB’s, BOP, Auto, WC and Garage. First three is in scope for us. We have completed 2 LOB’s and currently working on WC and planned to complete by Nov3rd.
Role: Complete project management, build and release, planning the sprint, support development team if any queries and gathering customer requirements.
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This app helps to create a market place where all wholesalers and dealers show case the products, if a vendor has a requirement they will post the requirement and they get offers from many of the customers across India. This is a B2B app, which connects wholesalers with dealers.
Role: End to End Development of Application
Visual Basic 6.0, VBA, MS Access
SSIS, SSRS, ETL,Vb.net / C # .net, ASP.net, MVC, Android, IOS Apps , Xamarin for hybrid Development
SQL Server 2000 - 2012
Mobile Apps developer – Windows Ce to Smart Mobiles
Agile, Devops, RPA – Automation Anywhere, BluePrism, UI Path
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Kalpa is a Mobile based app, which helps user to get general domestic details like civil, emergency, event management, tours and travel, domestic, finance and also health care. The app was developed using native Android OS using Android Studio and webservice was developed using C#.net with SQL server 2012 as backend.
Role: End to End Development of application
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This Mobile app gives the complete information about the hospital and helps to scheduleappointments, The app was developed using native Andorid OS using Android Studio andWebservice was developed using C#.net and SQL server 2012 as backend.Role: End to End Development of Application
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Info pal is offline mobile app, which gives basic information which is required in day today life.This app does not relay on internet, Some of the information are like, BANK IFSC Code,Country Capital Cities, Indiane Gas Distributors, Prime Ministers of India, ISD codes, Pin codes,RTO India, State Capitals, State List, STD Codes, Current Affairs Dates etc.Role: End to End Development
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This is a web based application which works with SQL server or Oracle asthe backend, This application is a cleansing tool which helps in enriching thecontent of SAP material management, Which helps the procurement teamto pick the rite product. Its a 40 years old product, creation of SSIS packagebased on the customer data, SAP, Maximo, Delphi and People Soft data.Technology used asp.net, sql server, oracle, .net framework 4.0, works willIE.Role: Development, Requirement analysis and implementation.
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Autocon is a tool which works on Struxure database, This helps in autoanalysis of the data and classify the data based on material description, Wehave used message Queue to load the source data and a windows servicewill read this data and process the data and writes back to Struxuredatabase.Technology used Message Queue, Windows app developed using .net fx4.0, SQL server.Role: Migration from Vb6.0 to .net 4.0(Single developer) End to EndDevelopment
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This is a windows based application which works with SQL server, This helps in cleansing theSource data, This is an internal application which is used by the production team to cleansethe source data provided the SAP clients. The functionality remains same as Struxure 6.1.4.SSRS is used as the report feature in this applicationTechnology : .net 4.0, SQL ServerRole: Migration from Vb6.0 to .net 4.0(two developers) End to End Migration and also usedInfragistics third party controls
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This software is a window based application, which helps the eventmanagement company to handle the registered delegates smoothly, Thisapplication run on the event days at registration counters, They havearound 50 Register counters and The delegates can walk in to any of thecounter and pick his ID card, this works with barcode technology.This tool helps in generating MIS reports.Role: End to End Development, Requirement analysis to deployment
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This Application was developed using asp.net and sql 2005 as the backend. This softwarehelps in tracking the production of each staff and bill accordingly. The process is ever hour theproduction team user will update his count for that hour.This tool generates weekly reports, shows the current running projects and who all workingon that projects. Status of project and Knowledge level of entire production team, we have aSCL rating, where user rates the quality of the project for the day.Role: End to End Development(Single page application)
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This Application was developed using asp.net and sql Server 2005 as the backend. Thissoftware helps in tracking the Issues of the customer and internal customers. When a newquery or issue has been raised in the system, it sends a mail to the concerned team, the teamlogins in and resolves the query, once the query gets resolved it will be sent to Internal SMEgroup; they review and close the ticket. When ticket is closed a mail will be sent confirmingthe same to the person raised.This application even sends a reminder to the External SMEs showing tickets pending,depending on the priority set.Role: End to End development
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This software is developed using MS-excel as front End and SQL 2000 as backend. Thissoftware runs using a macro which prepares MIS depending on the Rules lead by theManagement people. My roles was to Study about the Rules and develop automatedSoftware which prepares MIS every week depending on the Rules.I have automated MIS for Rates-Singapore, Frankfurt. This helps the management people toanalyze the Trade.Role: Development (team of 3)
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This project finds its application in automobiles where engine number to be marked. Here thesoftware eliminates the duplication of Engine Numbers, and keep tracking of Engines. Thesystem also generates Visual and Audio alert tone in order to make the sure that the markingcompleted successfully or marking failed (Due to Loss of Power). The system can also be usedto mark manually, where duplicates can be allowed in case of Failures.The system generates MIS based on the data.Role: End to End Development
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This is a web based application, which helps the law firms or the corporates to prepare file ofhis customer or employee and file for visa processing, this application supports almost allcountries forms. This application has a bridge which can communicate this any HRIS System.The application was developed using .net fx 4.0 and SQL Server.Role: Allocating work for colleagues, verifying production bugs, approving the fix and sendingthe same to build and release team. Deploying to customer(TAT : 1 day)
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