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Technical career in software development in process driven organization to groom and utilize my skills for mutual benefits. Total 4.ears of experience in software development. Strong experience in development and maintenance of business application u...
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Portfolio Projects
The system automates the manual procedure of managing hospital activities. Doctors can view their patients treatment records and details easily. With the help of this system admin can easily see bed availability and immediately allot it whenever any patient arrives without manually looking for bed availability. It even generates an instant bill thus eliminates the need of maintaining paper records for patient stay for each day. The system is convenient and flexible to be used. It saves their time, efforts, money and resources.
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A Transportation Management System is a software system designed to manage transportation operations and ensure better service, decrease routing time with optimized cost and fuel efficiency. This project includes Vehicle Tracking with Mobile and GPS, Online real time tracking on digitized map with zoom, Distance travelled report for authorized trips, and automated report email.
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Central monitoring station also known as CMS that provides services to monitor burglar, fire, panic and residential alarm systems. Trained staff to monitor their customers security systems and call the appropriate authorities in the event an alarm signal is received. Incoming signals are processed by digital alarm receivers; these convert the incoming event packets to serial or TCP packets which are then analyzed by the Central Station software.
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Last mile delivery is defined as the movement of goods from a transportation hub to the final delivery destination. The final delivery destination is typically a personal residence. The focus of last mile logistics is to deliver items to the end user as fast as possible.
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IQAC is short form of Internal Quality Assurance Cell. To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institution. To channelize all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.
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Shops sells various types of Jewellery items and it is very difficult to categorize these items on the basis of their manufacturing dates, type of gold used to manufacture it such as either using 24K or 22K. Which items comes under the category of ISI Gold Mark and which items are of local brand. It is also very difficult to analyze the overall transaction for a particular period of time and which ornaments are not available in the shop. To solve these problems this Jewellery Management System has been developed.
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The Pharmacy Management System was developed for Pharmaceuticals for maintaining up to date business transactions with their suppliers. Transactions in Warehouse include tracking stock details in different branches, moving stock from Administrator place to branches and Branches to Sub-Branches, ordering stock from Administrator place and selling to customers from Sub-Branches. This project is to provide user-friendly interface, which can be easily dealt by people who does not have much knowledge in computers to do entire purchase management online.
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