About Me
1) Rich experiance in Android Mobile Platforms and Application Development - 10 Years
2) Full Stack Development - 4 years ( recent) -- Angular 7/Android Client,Electron, Node/Express, Mongo DB ( MEAN STACK...
3) Shopify E-Com Platform( registered Shopify developer partner)- 6months- Developed/Managed one Ecom Store for one UAE customer
4) Interested in Full Time and Longterm, Remote Work engagements
5) Recent products developed
a) Cloud Based Hospital Management Solution for a Hospital Chain
b) Cloud Based E-PHR for Doctors
c) Pharmacy Software ( Cloud and Standloane , Multi user,Multi device Support)
d) Billing ,Stock management Software fro Grocery Shop ( Cloud and Standloane , Multi user,Multi device Support)
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Portfolio Projects
The solution provides a complete Work flow for a grocery shop for stock management,Sales, GST Billing, Various reports on availability, daily puchase/sales, IT Sales reports etc
This works in
1) Standalone single user Licence for Windows PC
2) Standalone + automatic Cloud Backup at regular intervals for Single User
3) Multi User, Multi device support, multi platform( Windows and Android) with with Cloud access
4) Access Control for Use logins
5) Various reports( used mongo Aggregation framework extensively) , automatic daily availability stats snapshots, track history of a product etc
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- Product: Cloud based Hospital Management System and Digitisation of Personal Health Records.
This product is completely designed from scratch towards complete digitization of Hospital Workflow.
Product we developed is with Developed a complete Cloud based Hospital management for a Hospital group owning multiple medical colleges, Hospitals and Clinics
a) Appointment Booking and E-prescription
b) Centralized PHR for OPD, IPD, LAB, HR and
c) Payroll management
d) Automatic Shift Allocation for Nursing Staff
e) Integrated Pharmacy,
f) Chat Engine: Doctor/patient Private Chat 3 Separate App for Patients, Doctors, and Hospital Admin
g) Video Chat for Online consultation
h) Options to upload medicial reports to secure Cloud Storage for Patients
This product is completely designed from scratch towards complete digitization of Hospital Workflow.
Product we developed is with
a) Client Side:
- Android App and React Native Mobile Client,
- Angular 6 and React Jsbased multiplatform Electron App
b) Server Side
Node/Express and MongoDB Hosted in AWS
Product Architecture Focus on AWS:
Security aspect
oCustom VPC (Instead of default VPC)
oRoute tables and NACL configurations for provisioning Private vs public subnet,oUse VPC end points to use services like S3
oIGW, NAT GW for Public network Access
oAppropriate Security groups for each resource
oIAM roles for different AWS resources
oData security in transit and at rest▪Data encryption usingACM key manager
▪HTTS endpoints withAWS certification manageroAuditing and Compliance requirements
▪Audit trails–Amazon CloudTrail
▪Access Control: User Access management (IAM Users)
Data Availability & Data latency
oMulti-zone Load balancing using ELB
oCloudFront distribution for static content (CDN)
oDatabase read replication-MongoDB
oUse of High IO optimized high perform storage volumes (ELB)oConfiguring non-critical reads from read replica
oFrequently called reads throughElastic mem-cache -
App Data Analytics
oCloud watchdashboard metrics (Memory/CPU utilization, Hit rate etc.) will help to▪Get actionable insights to optimize resource utilizations▪Get anomalous behavior in the system
▪Take automated actions based on CloudWatch Alarms -
Cost and performance tuning: Based on the data analytics insights on usage pattern, we can see that scaling requirement of some features will be much higher than others.
oECSare some available options to scale micro service containers based on need
Launching new Features: Witha hybrid approach, by using AWS serverless architecture for mobile users.
oAWS API GW and Lamda functions
Streamline Deployment process
oAWS CodeDeploywill help to code deployment with minimal downtime without manual intervention for rolling and blue/green updates.
Current Status: Product is live on market.
Web: www.qureme.co.in
Android Play store Apps: QUREME Apps (3 separate App for Admin, Doctors, and Patients)
Product Brochure: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14UAEpmA4zPGi9O_IC-_jQ_5MeqB5mIgZ
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This product is developed for over 1laksh Samsung employees as part of corporate wellness program. This cloud based solution integrates
- Samsung Health fitness app data on daily fitness activities (automatic sync)
- Two ways sync with Third Party health& fitness trackers, Food and Nutrition Tracker
- Annual Medical Check-up tracker
- Reward programs to motivate people to involve in routine fitness programs
- Monthly fitness challenges with your friends and colleagues as a group events with leader dashboard status
Samsung is having fitness trackers (gear fitness tracker) which tracks daily routine fitness programs of the users and one of the insurance company wanted to provide special benefit for those customers maintaining good fitness records for their health insurance policies.
Since all of their customers may not use the fitness device from Samsung alone, this platform offers an SDK to other vendors to two-way sharing of information, so that this is a platform that can be used by all buyers and sellers of Health Fitness programs
- created an SDK with open REST API
- Access controlled information exchange WF
- Consolidate Weekly Summary
- Push notification on the status and reminder
To increase market acceptance on its Quality and usefulness, Samsung wants to have a platform for Beta testing of all their new features for Power User trial and Customer feedback Sharing before final rollout.
Platform provides all developing group to
- Upload new product and invite a Power User trial groups to get their feedback
- Power Users can do bug reporting, suggestions for modifications and feedback on the feature. They can take screen shot of the application for uploading defects
- Power users can track and see the status of their bugs
- Overall user feedback on feature
- Automatic crash log uploading on fatal error
- App performance metrics for each use cases