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Experienced and dedicated mobile app developer offering more than 4+ years of expertise to industry. Dynamic and personable with strong focus on application lifecycle....
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Portfolio Projects
❖ Team members : 1
❖ Language : Java
❖ Duration : 3 Months
❖ Detail:
➢ Its a Taxi booking Application.
➢ Customer can book one driver and multiple tailgaters on single ride.
➢ Code Optimization.
■ Simple http call replace with Retrofit.
■ Google map replace with Mapbox.
■ U Commerce integration.
❖ Team members : 3(Teamlead)
❖ Language : Java
❖ Duration : 3 Months
❖ Detail:
➢ Online patch selling and Game app.
➢ Background Location of user to notify while found nearby patch.
➢ Room Database for cart management.
➢ Check availability of cart items.
➢ User can play a game of geo patch just like Pokemon GO.
❖ Team members : 1
❖ Language : Java
❖ Duration : 4 Months
❖ Detail:
➢ 4 Users in single App(Teacher, Students, Parents, Assistants).
➢ Analysis, Ruff Wireframe designs.
➢ Few Api Developed.
➢ Manage multiple branches for every teacher and multiple assistants for every branch.
➢ Nested Expandable List.
❖ Team members : 3
❖ Language : JAVA
❖ Device: Tablet only (Landscape)
❖ Duration : 2 Months
❖ Detail:
➢ 4 users in the app.(Server, Cook, Cashier, Owner).
➢ i had worked in Server and Owner for Table management.
➢ Owner can select shape of table from the list, selected table will come over the room area.
➢ owner can move the table within the room, can able to delete, can increase the size, can rotate the
table, can Flip the table.
➢ Now there will be default Polygon over there with 4 corners.
➢ Owner can add more points(corners) in polygon and can move each points by dragging, the polygon
also will also turn into that shape as owner move the points.
➢ Owner can save that all tables and polygon coordinates to the server database.
➢ When server Login he can see that managed room as it saved in any device.
➢ Multiple Screens support and calculate the coordinates based on the screen size and device