About Me
From 2013 to 2018From 2012 to 2013From April 2019 toDecember 2019From July 2018 toMarch 2019From January 2018 toJuly 2018From June 2017 toAugust 2017From January 2017 toMay 2017From September2016 to December2016EducatioMasters Degree in Computer Scie...rom January 2017 toMay 2017From September2016 to December2016EducatioMasters Degree in Computer ScienceUniversity of Engineering ESPRIT TunisiaAdvanced studies in Mathematics and PhysicsEsprit Prepa TunisiaProf siona ExperiencConsultant java/ java eeSodifrance Lyontechnologies: spring, java8, loopback 4, typescript, angular 7, oracle, jira,scrumConsultant java /java eeAmaris TunisiaStoryshareConception and implementaion of an application that enables anyone tocreate an interactive video experience anywhere on the internet. Theclosest experience to StoryShare is YouTube.Technologies: React, Mysql, Firebase, TFSOneRoofConception and implementaion of an Application for managing campaniesfor meeting room reservations, visitors, parking.Technologies: Angular 6, SpringBoot, Micro Services, Mysql, Outlook,TFSFull stack developerByma Sao PauloConcierge(web,mobile)Maintenance the web site to be 100% react with adding new features .Adding new features in back end using node.Maintenance the mobile application and adding new features and a newmethode of paiement .Technologies : Next.js , React-Native, React, MongoDB, Redux, GITSellingConception and implementation of an application for festivals managingreal time selling inside the parties.Technologies: Node, React, React-Native,MongoDBFull Stack developerE-Consulting TunisiaConception and implementation of a travel agency web application.Technologies: Java ee, Angular, Mysql,Rest APIFull Stack developerESPRIT TunisiaVirtuosoDesign and development of a customer managment tool for virtual artgalleries.Technologies: Java/Java EE, JSF, Wamp, MySQL,Hibernate,jBoss, RestAPIFull Stack developerESPRIT TunisiaFlyla (web,mobile,desktop)Design and development of a travel management software that guidesusers in theirchoice of a travel destination based on their personalpreferences.Technologies: Symfony,Java 8, CodeNameOne, MySQL, JavaFXWajihWajih TarsimTarsimwajihtarsim1993@gmail.comLyon, Francewww.linkedin.com/in/wajih-tarsim-aa8851148/+33658691854Computer skillMobile React native, AngularProgramming languagesTypeScript, Java 8, JavascriptWeb service SOAP, RESTLanguagArabic Mother tongueEnglish FluentFrench BilingualInter tSport ,Theatre,Literature
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