About Me
To enhance my talents and skills and perform my duties to the best of myability, become an asset to the company....
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Portfolio Projects
Technology Used:Vue Typescript, ExpressJs, MongoDB
Description: It is a software that can post, edit, delete and view the article, and also can share opinion on the article that was created.
- To build a good file structure and create a maintainable structure
- To focus on the user needs
- To build strong codes and can maintain easily
- To create a reusable component
- To create user-friendly UI
- To create a responsive web app
- To design web
- To integrate web app functionalities
Technology Used:Vue Typescript, GraphQL, Firebase
Description:An admin-side of betting application. This app is where the betting application is being managed.
- To build strong codes and can maintain easily
- To create a reusable component
- To create user-friendly UI
- To create a responsive web app
- To design web
- To integrate web app functionalities
Technology Used:Vue Typescript
Description:A company application that can use to collect, store, and manage data. It is also an application that manages the business and automates many back-office functions related to technology, human resources, and etc. HRIS/Chat/CRM/ and Project Management is part of the ERP that is being used by the company to communicate with its clients and employees.
- Can create a responsive UI/UX, and can create reusable codes and components.
- It can also Integrate a web app. Features such as Chat feature, Login Auth., HRIS, Or ERP Based Features and use inputs with validations.
- To create a reusable component
- To create user-friendly UI
- To create a responsive web app
- To design web
- To integrate web app functionalities
A company application that can use to collect, store, andmanage data. It is also application that manages the business andautomate many back-office functions related to technology, humanresources, and etc. HRIS/Chat/CRM/ and Project Management is part ofthe ERP that is being used by the company to communicate with theirclients and employees.
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