About Me
SKILLS React, Redux, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, D3.js, AWS, jQuery, AJAX, Webpack, Node.js, Github, RESTful API, Express.js, SQL, jBuilder, EJS, ERB, RSpec, TDD, OOP, Axios...
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Portfolio Projects
A friendly user application to help manage everyday life about financial aspects.
● Crafted a non-relational database to merge two tables to calculate the monthly and annually saving.
● Designed a RESTful API route using Express.js to correspond with Axios to make HTTP requests to create, update, and delete
and interact with database to store information.
● Simplified with aggregate method to avoid n+1 queries to index in the table to retrieve monthly and annually expense and
● Harnessed Redux single-state management with React Component to communicate with backend to perform and minimize
A pixel-perfect tribute to Square Enix, a gaming company based in Japan.
● Incorporated a relational database with Active Record’s association to joins table together.
● Built a RESTful API route to communicate with backend using AJAX to create, update, edit, and delete React Components.
● Restructured a React image carousel for slideshow to display image using React Transition Group library for animation’s
● Formulated numerous React Components to display games and articles while user reviews articles.
● Generated a JSON file from extracting database columns with jBuilder.
● Redesigned the state with Reducer to break out the reducers into smaller, more manageable bits of code.