About Me
An inquisitive student, a keen learner and a problem solver, always willing to dive deep into a problem for novel solutions. I look forward to challenging opportunities to redefine my potential and leave an impact....
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Portfolio Projects
Studied about types and causes of commonly occurring rendering bugs in detecting colour, presented the csv file with list of colours by giving their HexaDecimal values Analytical Method: Analysed trace of colour to detect in given picture and made use of OPENCV and python
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Performed a literature review on methods of image classification and the challenges involved Studied various classifiers such as k-nearest neighbour and linear classifiers, and optimisation techniques Studied Neural Networks as a method with different activation functions and hyperparameter tuning
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Implemented a lossy image compression algorithm by gathering similar pixels using k-means clustering Obtained upto 30% compression without significant loss of details using custom 7-bit compression format Experimented with clustering algorithm by using Forgy and k-means++ initialisations to preserve maximum details
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Implemented a gas detector controller on a NODEMCU35 board with backend as a C program code Introduced a provision to exchange local data about the state of tracks for neighboring controllers Ensured secure transmission between the backend computer and the board by a custom encryption method Implemented Thingspeak IOT communication over USB ports to connect boards directly to exchange information
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Keeping in mind the trends shifting from desktop to mobile in terms of internet usage and the importance of user experience, I have worked on enhancing an app to be more responsive based on the device used by a user With the knowledge I had on web accessibility, I was able to make sure that the updated app has all the images and content to be in the right place irrespective of the device used and there are no overlaps I also ensured that the app is easy to read and thus easy to use, thereby improve the user experience The final app had performed very well in all the aspects by measuring with Lighthouse - with the progres -sive web score maintained at more than 90, accessibility score at 90 and the performance score at 70
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Ive been fascinated by this engaging tool to introduce the complex and counter-intuitive facets of Quantum Mechanics. Im trying to search the entire game tree, thats a maze of creation, cyclization and collapse of entanglements to find out what really happens with best play.
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