About Me
Having 8 years of experience in .Net Platform. Having good exposure to C#, .NET, ASP.NET, MVC 5, WEB API 2, WCF and SQL, JQUERY, JavaScript, Typescript, React JS and Redux .Net core 2.2 (MVC, API) Involved in web application design and development. B...
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Portfolio Projects
Purpose of project is to create an on-line Distributor Performance Plan (DPP) application. The application will allow Parker to build standard Distributor goals, create a centralized DPP repository and to communicate Performance Plans electronically. On-line DPP application to be used by Parker employees and Distributors. Screens for Parker employees to create and maintain DPPs: Template of Mandatory and Optional goals with Ratings scale. Template can have Mandatory and Optional goals. Optional goals may be selected from template, Distributor Performance Plan (DPP) will be created from a template. Mandatory goals will automatically populate on DPP from template. Optional Goals may be selected by person creating DPP. Free Form (write in) goals may be added. Quarterly Ratings maintenance. Calculation of quarterly and final ratings.
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Pearson Education is a British-owned education publishing and assessment service to schools and corporations, as well as to students. Hellaby Systems was responsible for obtaining the physical copy of the Answer Sheets and converting them into a digital copy. These digital copies were sent across for Marking process which is also handled by Hellaby. Marking Process was done by two different Applications such as Online Marking and Epen. These marks were fed into another system and sent across to the Students. Hellaby was also responsible for managing the Examiners and Student Details.
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This The Product based application , for paper correction tool it have two parts like web part and windows part ,in the web part have same important screens like login , Marker registration,Escalation, registration, Role,component,Exam center, and so on, this web based project provide the interaction between the marker, student , and administrator.
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Edwards Configuration Application provides a business advantage for salespeople and is being prepared under the leadership of Product Manager GV Systems with collaboration of Lutin Configuration team, Operations, Product Management, Sales, Finance, Freight Manager, Logistics and others. Retrieving cost from SAP therefore maximum elimination of margin risk discrepancies Authorized access for employees reflecting company needs and requirements Significant maintenance time reduction due to matrix unification for all configured packagesLogical part numbers identification (EDP as ED32123232, IDX as ID54354534, CDX as CD64354535providing higher work efficiency when searching previous quotations Lead time for Standard configured packages Transportation and packaging cost estimation to streamline quotation process PDF final format Quotation to protect data and know how valid exchange rates retrieved from SAP. Interact with the Client.
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Avant Mutual Group Limited (Avant) is Australias largest medical defence organization (MDO). Through our licensed insurance subsidiary, Avant Insurance Limited, we provide indemnity insurance and support to more than 50,000 members. The project concentrates on managing the Cases registered in Avant as well as the entire center associated with the Avant. The Project was developed based on agile methodology and n-tier architecture. The process includes the making of Case creation, Reserve creation, payment creation and serious of authorization and Validation of case by higher level members. Through a series of procedures, associating the registered members to one or many center and providing accessible rights to them.
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