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Aim to work in a challenging work environment where I can utilize my expertise and help grow theorganization....
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Portfolio Projects
Cisco Mobility Express wireless network solution comprises of at least one 802.11ac Wave 2 Cisco AironetSeries access point (AP) with an in-built software-based wireless controller (WLC) managing other APs in the network. The AP acting as the WLC is referred to as the master AP while the other APs in theCisco Mobility Expressnetwork, which are managed by this master AP, are referred to as subordinate APs. In addition to acting as a WLC, the master AP also operates as an AP to serve clients along with the subordinate APs.
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Enhance your virtual workspace with the most secure thin client operating system.Work and collaborate anywhere. Confidently connect to the virtual workspace with the most securethin client operating system. With a closed architecture unpublished APIs limited attack surfacessecure boot and device-specific flash encryption ThinOS provides enhanced protection againstmodern security threats. Enable a rich end-user experience while simplifying IT operations with thisthin client operating system purpose-built for VDI. Keep teams productive with support for in-demand collaboration tools and a user-friendly desktop interface.
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Cisco Prime Infrastructure provides complete life cycle management ofconverged wired and wireless networks. Provide converged user and access managementcomplete wireless lifecycle management and integrated configuration and monitoring ofbranch office routers. Deliver simplified management of Cisco Borderless Networks andreduce operational costs by aligning network management functionality to the way networkoperators do their jobs. It offers converged management for ease of monitoringtroubleshooting and reporting. Improved configuration change and compliancemanagement for lower TCO. Similar look and feel for an improved user experience &workflow management.
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Cisco Mobility Express wireless network solution comprises of at least one802.11ac Wave 2 Cisco Aironet Series access point (AP) with an in-built software-basedwireless controller (WLC) managing other APs in the network. The AP acting as the WLC isreferred to as the master AP while the other APs in the Cisco Mobility Express networkwhich are managed by this master AP are referred to as subordinate APs. In addition toacting as a WLC the master AP also operates as an AP to serve clients along with thesubordinate APs.
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