About Me
A competent professional having 10 + years of experience in ASP.NET MVC Dot Net CoreSQL Server C# React JS Web API SSRS SSIS XHQ TFS Web Application Cloud Server AgileMethodology GIT TFSCSS JQuery Currently working with Global logic (Noida).Exception...
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Portfolio Projects
DIT (Distributer investment transaction) Our distributor generatescheme on the basis of customer requirement then email and SMStrigger to customer customer open the link and check informationfilled by distributor if info is correct then customer can pay theirScheme using Net banking UPI debit card option Same as we doin CIT (Customer investment transaction) our customer careexecutive explain our scheme to customer and generate link tocustomer then customer check details and pay
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This is the official Indian Port Associations Port CommunitySystem application. It is intended to integrate the electronic flowof trade related document/information and function as thecentralized hub for the ports of India and other stakeholders likeShipping Lines/Agents Surveyors Stevedores Banks ContainerFreight Stations Customs House agents Importers ExportersRailways/CONCOR Government regulatory agencies etc. forexchanging electronic messages in secure manner.
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