About Me
12.7 years of experience in application development, Maintenance and Lead encompassing all aspects of the software development life-cycle in domains like Application Development, etc Worked for IT companies in India and Malaysia holding several posit...
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Portfolio Projects
Standardized Process Sheet Terminology by creating a drop down list that process engineer can pick a Standard Category from. Then select a Standard Phrase associated with the Standard Category. If applicable, process engineer can indicate a part quantity to be used to build a standardized Detail Operation Step. The process engineer can then edit the standardized Detail Operation Step text, before adding the text to a Detail Operation Step on a process sheet.
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The FIS Configuration Tool is used to facilitate the initial configuration and modification of control variables required for the acquisition, display and recording of real-time information managed by the Factory Information System (FIS). Each control variable describes a characteristic of the plant-floor machinery such as the machine name, type, location etc. The FIS Configuration Tool is also used to specify the method of collecting real-time data from plant-floor devices that control process machinery. The tool is used by launch teams and plant personnel to configure new machinery and manage day-to-day changes to the FIS system.
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Inforum Interface is a single place to view various analytical reports like House Hold Growth, Hospitals, In-Patient, Out-Patient, Physician details, etc. of Market Expert System. Each report has a set of filters and various output formats. The filters also include a selection of Area using Maps. The filters and outputs are customizable by the clients and they can create new custom reports. The tool allows user to define a Workflow which enables the user to add filters, executables and report formats.
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Truven Health Analytics is in an Analytical company on Health care domain. They get data from various entities (providers) on monthly basis and the data is processed for Analytical purpose. The data for inpatient and outpatient details been available in various formats and the control file is generated based on the available input data. The Data build tool is designed to execute various steps to process the data. Since the volume of data was huge the input files were split and processed as the old tool had a limitation in processing file of more 2GB size. The purpose of the tool is to provide a solution to process the huge data in a single go and to reduce the processing time. SSIS packages been created to execute time consuming steps. The tool is migrated from VB6 to VB.NET. This tool invokes or executes windows services and other executable to handle various workflow steps. The development process was using Agile Methodologies
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Project Description:
The Back Office Launch is a home application to call other bunch of store applications including Bay, Greater, Casher, etc., Also it calls SSRS reports and utilities
- Production Support
- Interact with plant users clarify their queries.
- Create Incidents/Change/Problems in Service Now (SNOW) for new requirements and existing issues and work on it
Environment: Environment: VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net SQL Server
Operating System: Windows 7
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Project Description:
The Corp Web Solution is a Store configuration and reporting system that Add/remove/update store level settings and generate reports.
- Development & Production Support
- Interact with plant users clarify their queries.
- Create Incidents/Change/Problems in Service Now (SNOW) for new requirements and existing issues and work on it
Environment: Environment: C#, ASP.Net MVC, SQL Server
Operating System: Windows 7
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Project Description:
The Factory Information System (FIS) is a plant monitoring system that provides for the automatic collection and display of current and historical process data.
- Production Support
- Interact with plant users clarify their queries.
- Create Incidents in Drive IT for new requirements and existing issues and work on it.
Environment: Environment: C#, VB.Net, VB 6.0, Sybase
Operating System: Windows 7
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Project Description: It is Manufacturing Equipment Description Detail System.
MEDDS contains several modules suck as Material, Order, Stock, Dealers, etc. User allowed to log in using both LDAP Authentication and DB authentication instead DB authentication alone.
- Development & Production Support
- Interact with plant users clarify their queries.
- Create Incidents in Drive IT for new requirements and existing issues and work on it.
Environment: Environment: C#, ASP.Net, MVC, Sybase
Operating System: Windows XP
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