About Me
Having 7 years of IT experience in Microsoft technologies analysis, object-oriented design, development and implementation of client/server and web based applications using the latest technologies. Focused primarily on delivering client/server softwa...
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Portfolio Projects
Stratus® Video productions and Content Management System is the next generation of Grass Valley application software, designed for the entertainment, on-air operations, and news markets. The STRATUS® SCS Web Client consists of the Navigator, Asset List, Inspector, Assignment List, Segmentation tool, and the Simple Editor tool. We can search assets, navigate to assets, view assets in the video player, modify asset properties, insert markers/keywords into assets, archive assets, and use the Simple Editor tool to edit assets. The Segmentation tool allows to create multiple segments of the asset for diverse broadcast schedules, and arrange segments for insertion of commercials in between. With this workflow, we can easily view our high-resolution media, insert markers or keywords, edit assets, and regenerate proxy in just one workspace.
Develop project concepts and maintain optimal workflow.
Work with senior developer to manage large, complex design projects for corporate clients.
Complete detailed programming and development tasks to meet the acceptance criteria for user story.
Write unit tests and perform integration tests to discover errors and optimize usability.
Participate in daily standups to discuss progress and bottlenecks
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The Walt Disney Company having number of Theme Parks and Theatres in Shanghai, China likewise in US and other countries. Since there are thousands of people wanted to book the tickets online, Disney has given the online purchase facilities to the Travel Agencies. Using our application OTA, Travel Agencies can register themselves to create their own login. After the successful registration, Travel agencies who is having their own website can connect to OTS using the given API end points. After this the Travel Agencies can check the available products, can access the Disney API to Initiate and Confirm the Order to get the needed tickets. Travel Agencies who doesn't have their own website can use OTS online website to do the same. OTA’s also providing the necessary reports for Disney and Travel Agencies.
Involved in Requirement gathering and Analysis of Requirements.
Involved in Creating models and Repository.
Involved in Product management.
Involved in whole Reports module and responsible for creating all kind off reports for Disney as well as Travel agencies like Sales Summary report , Email log report, Credit Management, User log reports.
Involved in order management for designing order screen UI as well as back end logic to place, hold, confirm and rollback the order.
Involved in WCF Services and responsible for creating end points for making order through API.
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Tacoma Accountable Care Team (ACT) is a Health Care Management tool that caters to the needs of different healthcare professionals involved in the care management of the patient.Making the patient the center of the tool, different care givers like Primary Care Physician, Specialist, and Case Manager Etc. co-ordinate to provide quality and timely healthcare to the patient.
Most traditional health care systems revolve around sick care and paying for services rather than paying for healthier patient outcomes. ACT aims to work closely with doctors and hospitals through its Accountable Care Continuum. ACT maintains longitudinal patient record (i.e., no matter where the patient is being treated, there is one overarching longitudinal record). While there will be local records in each episode of care (e.g., Home Care, Acute Care, Ambulatory Care), the platform should be able to pull and aggregate data from the entire continuum. EMPI – The Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) provides the indexing reference for all patients known to the organization. It is able to match multiple identifiers across disparate and diverse systems This helps in providing better patient care coordination, more cost effective, quality care and a world-class patient experience.
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RIPPR is Newzealand’s web-based loyalty scheme business which rewards people for being social. This concept allows people to create groups which receive rewards from business. The more people that join the group the more discounts members of that group receive from business. Rippr is mainly categorized into two modules Retailer and User. Retailer login is where the seller creates Campaign or crowd which runs in his repective store. Crowd is the heart of Rippr. Crowds are of two types one is Instant (Fixed rewards) and the other is crowd (rewards grow as the number of customers grow). The rewards caps are defined at the time of creation of campaign and the campaign closing date is set.
User module is the most important aspect of Rippr. Here the user registers into rippr by using his/her mobile number and uses the same to redeem the rewards gained by particpating/purchasing in the seller’s crowd. These rewards aretermed as RRD (Rippr Rewards). The users can also particpate in seller’s crowd without registering but can only redeem once he/she registers. While registering the user can also link his/her facebook account with Rippr account. Rippr has also got it’s mobile App to let users to checkin to the retailer’s store and purchase. Once the user completes the purchase successfully the calculated RRDs are added into their Rippr wallet instantly for Instant type of campaign where as Crowd type rewards are distributed at the time of campaign closing.
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Ripprservices is a project developed using WCF architecture and its main purpose is to serve requests coming from Rippr Mobile App. The requests and response are built and handled in JSON format. The main functionalities in this project are it has got services to let user checkin to retailer’s store, show the list of crowds which user has participated and the total crowds running apart from login service for mobile users. Rippr rewards distribution service is implemented within this project.
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OPSMANONLINE is a comprehensive integrated system that bolsters and manages day-to-day business operations of Cargo & Courier Services. It is mainly consists of four types of products Surface, Domestic, Air & International. Basing on the requirements it has been divided into eleven modules and four phases. They are Masters, security, Surface Cargo, Domestic, Air, International, CRM, SFM, INV, Inventory Billing and contracts. OPSMAN online plainly means “Operations manager online” the main advantage in this is tracking of the consignments (Cargo or Courier).The end user can easily know the status of the Consignment. It can help to streamline the consignment booking; Dispatch, billing and reports are generated
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RIPPR is Newzealands web-based loyalty scheme business which rewards people for being social. This concept allows people to create groups which receive rewards from business. The more people that join the group the more discounts members of that group receive from business. Rippr is mainly categorized into two modules Retailer and User. Retailer login is where the seller creates Campaign or crowd which runs in his repective store. Crowd is the heart of Rippr. Crowds are of two types one is Instant (Fixed rewards) and the other is crowd (rewards grow as the number of customers grow). The rewards caps are defined at the time of creation of campaign and the campaign closing date is set. User module is the most important aspect of Rippr. Here the user registers into rippr by using his/her mobile number and uses the same to redeem the rewards gained by particpating/purchasing in the sellers crowd. These rewards are termed as RRD (Rippr Rewards). The users can also particpate in sellers crowd without registering but can only redeem once he/she registers. While registering the user can also link his/her facebook account with Rippr account. Rippr has also got its mobile App to let users to checkin to the retailers store and purchase. Once the user completes the purchase successfully the calculated RRDs are added into their Rippr wallet instantly for Instant type of campaign where as Crowd type rewards are distributed at the time of campaign closing.
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Ripprservices is a project developed using WCF architecture and its main purpose is to serve requests coming from Rippr Mobile App. The requests and response are built and handled in format. The main functionalities in this project are it has got services to let user checkin to retailers store, show the list of crowds which user has participated and the total crowds running apart from login service for mobile users. Rippr rewards distribution service is implemented within this project.
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OPSMANONLINE is a comprehensive integrated system that bolsters and manages day-to-day business operations of Cargo & Courier Services. It is mainly consists of four types of products Surface, Domestic, Air & International. Basing on the requirements it has been divided into eleven modules and four phases. They are Masters, security, Surface Cargo, Domestic, Air, International, CRM, SFM, INV, Inventory Billing and contracts. OPSMAN online plainly means Operations manager online the main advantage in this is tracking of the consignments (Cargo or Courier).The end user can easily know the status of the Consignment. It can help to streamline the consignment booking; Dispatch, billing and reports are generated.
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The Iweb is totally a financial project that can be used to automate the work done by the organization, web brings together everything you can have in financial business operation, which includes, HR, Payrole, MIS, and to back up all the most powerful and flexible finance and budgeting engine and also transaction reports. It includes the different types of expenses, Purchases, liabilities, Vouchers and Etc.
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This project is used to search files on servers, based on the selected criteria using existing system or network system without sharing of the drives. The files can be searched based on the file attributes, file extensions and file headers. The main feature of the Application is to reduce the search and removing system files, executable files using the concept of De-Nist. Even we can search for the content in the selected files and also find out the duplicates using the concept of De-Duplicate. It also find outs the Real File Extensions. After completing the search the resulted data can be exported the selected destination. Using this search we are creating the collection log where we display the details of search, and also we give the information about the system in which we are doing the search, like OS information, Drives, Devices, IP address and BIOS Information.
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