Program Manager / Scrum Master

Belo Horizonte , Brazil

Experience: 15 Years


Belo Horizonte , Brazil

Program Manager / Scrum Master

60000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

15 Years

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About Me

BrazilianBirth Date: 10/22/1981Belo Horizonte/MG, 3038-230Cel: + 55 31 9.9774.2184...

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Portfolio Projects


  • Follow up on Bosnia and California team’s activities;
  • Improve the communication between the two teams that are in completely different time zones.
  • Give status and updates to management team;
  • Raise risks and issues related to sprint activities and propose solutions to those items;
  • Make sure the process is being followed by everyone;
  • Make sure we have the most updated information in TFS.

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Internal Activities at Avenue Code:

  • Interview candidates for the roles of Scrum Master, Product Owner and Jira Administrator;
  • Junior android developer for an intranet app of the company, using Android Studio;
  • Study and analyze Jira's functionalities and plugins available in the market to try to meet our needs. In the meantime, I was able to identify new market opportunities due to Jira's plugins gaps.

Scrum Master at an automobilistic company​ (09/2018 to present) Responsibilities​:

  • Seek for the team's best interest, trying to balance the work and life's quality;
  • Constantly improve our communication skills;
  • Encourage people to share knowledge with the rest of the team;
  • Manage multiple and distributed teams: help the team solve problems and unblock tasks, coach them to reach maturity in their process;
  • Identify processes pain points and help the team and the client to find, improve, create and apply solutions;
  • Facilitate scrum ceremonies and coach the team to run it as well, always with the mindset of increase productivity and improve maturity;
  • Encourage and enable the teams to understand the importance of automatic tests implementations, user system documentation, development best practices.
  • Coach people for the role of Product Owner and Scrum Master;
  • Coach people to manage their time and prioritize their tasks;
  • Manage people allocation in the projects;
  • Control and approve the team's vacation;
  • Create metrics that makes sense for the team and for the client and combine this metrics with our experience allowing us to have consistent information that we can use to improve our work;
  • Create Jira projects, configure boards, dashboard, screens, workflows, workflows rules, automation rules.

Working at a retail international account​ (02/2017 - 08/2018) As a Scrum Master, I was responsible for:

  • Be a reference to the team: orienting them with their tasks, facilitating conflicts and communications between cross-teams;
  • Follow up the current sprint, report risks, issues and unblock the team, when needed;
  • Keep a good relation and communication with the client;
  • Facilitate grooming meetings, sprint planning, sprint review and retro;
  • Guarantee the communication between all scrum teams that work for this client by being aware of all activities, conflicts and impediments and taking actions to solve all issues.

As a Business Analyst/ Product Owner, I was responsible for:

  • Work with the client to gather requirements and make sure the stories are according to the business expectation;
  • Write stories and acceptance criteria, using BDD;
  • Make sure the development team understands the requirements, so the stories can be implemented the right way;
  • Organize the project's backlog and define the priorities according to the client's needs;
  • Let the team aware of the priorities, making sure we are working together in order to achieve the same goal;
  • Set story points for each card together with the team;
  • Define the scope of each sprint;
  • Validate the implementations, when aligned with the client;
  • Always seek for constant improvements, hearing the team and put them all together to improve our way to work and, as a consequence, improve productivity.

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Beverage international account Responsibilities​:

  • Create and improve the Support process that will maintain the Client’s sites (around 400 sites live all over the world);
  • Prioritize tickets based on client’s needs and criticity;
  • Weekly meeting with the client to review the tickets, understand the requirements and get them ready for the team to work on them.
  • Be involved in functional solutions of fixes and improvements aiming client satisfaction;
  • Plan and control weekly deliveries;
  • Conduct status meetings with the client two times a week;
  • Conduct weekly meetings with the Client’s suppliers for prioritization alignments;
  • Plan and control suppliers’ activities, deadlines and deliveries;
  • Monitor SLAs;
  • Create a weekly presentation to the stakeholders;
  • Distribute tasks to the team, ensuring the flow of tickets: analysis, development, code review, quality assurance, client acceptance and production deploy, as well as constant communication with the client;
  • Ensure that the process is being followed by the team;
  • Ensure that scrum methodology processes, such as daily and retro, are being followed;
  • Use Situation Wall as an information/communication tool regarding everything that involves the account and the team;
  • People Management: Managing conflicts, keep the team motivated, ensure career development; Crisis management with clients, mitigating impacts;
  • Risks management: Mapping, following up and mitigating them;
  • Time Management: Make sure to distribute the time of the team between the deliveries to the client, tasks that improve process and work quality and activities that will provide career evolution to everyone in the team.

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Bank account: ​Quality Analyst Responsibilities:

  • Follow the documents’ validation with the client;
  • Ensure that notes made by the client during their validation are checked and fixed by IBM;
  • Create ways to control and measure artifacts’ validation;
  • Create indicators for results presentation to the account’s managers;
  • Validate, fix and send to the client the total travel spending per month.
  • Insurance company account​: Quality and Process Analyst Responsibilities:
  • Create checklists to evaluate the qualities of the materials received and delivered to the client;
  • Apply validation checklists to ensure the quality of every artifact, before it being delivered to the client;
  • Design and implement development processes for projects, enhancements and minor requests;
  • Design and implement management processes for normal and emergency requests;
  • Ensure that the processes are being followed; Create templates for the deliverables to the client;
  • Create quality indicators for the artifacts delivered to the customer.

Telecommunication company account: ​System Analyst Responsibilities:

  • Gathering requirements, define the best solution, prepare proposals, metrics (Technical or Function Point), planning deadlines, documentation preparation (Functional and Technical Specifications, for example), construction, testing (including performance analysis), approval and implementation of the system;
  • Support the information collection and implementation of the Lean project.

Since January/2012 I’m also accumulating the task of Coordinator. Responsibilities:

  • Monitoring the team activities to control deadlines, costs and also to ensure quality;
  • Making weekly status report for the managers;
  • Negotiate and manage conflicts with the clients;
  • Help the team solve problems that have an impact on the activities progress.

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  • SQL Server system Maintenance;
  • Client’s requirements analysis;
  • Elaborate documents for service request to suppliers;
  • Coordinate suppliers activities, controlling deadline, costs​ ​and also to ensure quality;
  • Test evidence validation;
  • Mediating conflicts between user, suppliers and Production​ ​(PCP).


Enterprise Manager; ● Erwin for database modeler; ● Dimensions for control of the objects versions and programs documentation.

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