About Me
Over 15 years of experience in Quality Assurance including 3+ years of leadership experience. Experience of maintaining team of 40 team members for Manual /Automation / Performance testing efforts Set up QA projects from scratch for corporate giants ...
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Portfolio Projects
- As part of leadership team in the organization introduced testing methodologies / documents / testing process in a
non process oriented work environment.
Managed team of 12 QA members.
- Advocated for necessary QA process / Test automation needs. Architect / Implemented and maintained Test automation framework in Java and Selenium.
- Built high performing teams by hiring ,training new resources.
- Provided budget , defined KPI's and documents/ process for end to end QA process.
- Maintained and acted as single point of contact for QA organization.
- 365 Retail Markets specializes in self service Micro Market Kiosks where customers can buy various food products without the help of operators/ Cashiers.
- There are more than 60,000 kiosks in production across globe in various countries such as USA, Canada, Australia and some parts of Europe.
- Product base has two important components knows as ADM ( web based administrative tool ) , range of kiosks called V5 , nano based on types of hardwares and mobile apps.
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Defined end to end QA processes , defined project documents to be maintained and defined KPI's.
- Scheduled time lines for various types testing in each release such as smoke, functional , regression and performance testing.
- Maintained both onshore and offshore testing team members ( team size of 15 ). Defined day to day tasks , prioritized work and collected results. Developed Quality metrics such as daily test execution , bug density , defect age and requirement traceability.
- Conducted triage meetings with Dev Leadership on planned days to highlight and raise any flags if required.
- Monitored testing quality of each member and provided feed back as and when required to maintain standard of quality across project.
- Developed web application in Python flask ( micro framework ) , ajax , boot strap , postgre sql with rest api to maintain inventory of testing hardware such as Mobiles and kiosks.
- Trained team members on API testing / test automation.
- I was responsible to architect Page object factory testing framework in java and selenium. Implemented data base driven data maintenance. Developed Automation team in both onshore and offshore. We were able to automate over 500 test cases.
- Architecture included provision of dockers and selenium grid to execute tests in a parallel manner and cut down execution time line.
- Provided multiple feed backs to developers on each build through automation for quicker release cycles. Helped the organization to cut down release time lines and fix bugs earlier achieve quicker time to market.
- Brought in “shift left” and “self sufficient” mind set in QA members for risk free smoother QA release cycles.
Analyzed business requirements and developed Test cases based on Use Cases to evaluate the functionalities.
Developed framework with Mobile device testing integration, initial with chrome emulators and appium.
Developed framework with selenium for an application which deals with deciding eligibilty of loans depending on customer application.
Suggested and implemented shift left approach and started test automation right from the design phase.
Achieved early test automation which enabled complete dev ops testing and earlier feed back to developers about bugs.
Handled multiple projects in Web app, soap ui test automation projects and lead the teams from front
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Testing center of excellence is the internal core testing team built by Ford Direct inorder to support various testing activities of inhouse development projects.
- Analyzed business requirements and developed Test cases based on Use Cases to evaluate the functionalities.
- Developed framework with Mobile device testing integration, initial with chrome emulators and appium.
- Developed framework with selenium for an application showcase which deals with ford dealers.
- Application is used mainly in tablets by dealership to analyze existing inventory when a new customer walks in for best deals.
- Automated 65 test cases for mobile plat form and executed same in different devices with Qmetry .
- Provided training for creating tests in Appium and monitored and tracked project status.
- Provided technical guidance with respect to selenium and Appium development queries.
- Built Big data testing teams from root level, Created Project road map, co – ordinated meetings with Architecture teams, Ingested files through ETL work flows to staging tables, executed oozie jobs to load data to data marts , suspended /resumed oozie jobs to perform data loads with manipulated scenarios in the data files. Set context for testing project. Prepared matrix, controlled and monitored Bigdata project test execution
- Initiate, execute monitor and control end to end QA project activies.
- Provide feed back to reportee.
- Create daily status metrics and present it to stake holders
- Provide though leadership
- Prepared Test Strategy,Test Plan, test Cases, Test scripts and Test Metrics for the application as well as for the database verification based on the functional requirements, portal redesigned and test specs.
- Participated in software testing at all the stages of agile model of software development life cycle.
- Involved in defining test automation strategy and test scenarios, created automated test cases, test plans and executed tests using Selenium WebDriver and JAVA.
- Architected Selenium framework which has integrations for API automation, database automation and mobile automation.
- Executed and maintained Selenium test automation scripts.
- Studied Use Cases, Startup functionality and executed Test Cases, Test scenarios.
- Created and maintained test documentation to support Agile test cycles: Test Case Structure, User Scenarios, Test Cases, Traceability Matrix.
- Handled Big Data testing efforts queries using Impala to validate backend functionality of the application.
- Tested web services using Ready API.
- Used JIRA for bug tracking and reporting, also followed up with development team to verify bug fixes, and update bug status. Created Dash Boards
- Tested all the major functionalities with IE, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browsers and mobile devices
- Exposure of uploading and maintaining versions of documents on SVN.
- Participated in software walkthroughs.
- Environment: Selenium WebDriver/RC, QTP, HP ALM, PL/SQL, Java, Share, UNIX/LINUX, Windows XP/7, Eclipse, TestNG, Agile-Scrum, Data Driven framework, SOAP, REST.
I joined here under an impression of a long term project with a client call CVS pharmacy. Project did not turn up for the company , hence with a vision of long term engagement ad stability changed company. But developed and provided test automation framework for all the feature assignments.
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- Analyzed the user requirements, functional specifications and used Case documents for Functional testing.
- Developed framework with Mobile device testing for responsive sites of a project called Itreasury ( ACH payments system )
- Executed test automation on a daily basis and provided reports to stake holders.
- Developed scripts for IOS and android for mobile applications.
- Automated modules such as ACH payments, check management etc.
- Developed benchmark for mobile devices for automation usage.
- Initiated, maintained and owned mobile automation efforts. Lead 5 team members for script developments.
- Provided training for creating tests in Qmetry and monitored and tracked project status.
- Provided technical guidance with respect to selenium and Qmetry development queries.
- Built Big data(Hadoop) testing teams from root level, Created Project road map, co – ordinated meetings with Architecture teams, Ingested files through ETL work flows and ensured data integrity, completeness to data marts , suspended /resumed oozie jobs to perform data loads with manipulated scenarios in the data files. Set context for testing project. Prepared matrix, controlled and monitored Bigdata project test execution. Developed SQL queries to perform testing.
- Used Maven, Selenium Webdriver, Java and Selenium / Qmetry to create automation scripts.
- Initiate, execute monitor and control end to end QA project activies.
- Provide feed back to reportee.
- Create daily status metrics and present it to stake holders
- Provide though leadership
- Developed Selenium test scripts for identified test cases by using data driven, keyboard driven and hybrid framework.
- Created functional scripts for Big Data and Mobile Testing.
- Managed 40 offshore and 2 onsite resources for daily execution and test automation
- Built teams from root level, defined project road map, allocated tasks and executed project.
- Provided QA status on periodic basis and provided information on Quality of the project to decide go/No go.
- Provided suggestions about software, feed back to reportees on performance
- Reviewed Specified Business Documents and prepared Test Cases using Quality Center based on the requirements.
- Performed various types of tests including Regression testing, GUI testing, Black-box testing, White-box testing, Integration testing, etc. to enhance application performance.
- Involved in verification of Frontend GUI Objects and elements.
- Done SOA testing for Payments API's using ReadyAPI and Java framework for web services testing.
- Worked with deployment team to create nightly automation regression execution builds.
- Involved in writing SQL Queries for backend testing.
- Tested ACH, cheque management and other financial modules in commercial banking domain.
- Involved in weekly walkthroughs and inspection meetings, to verify the status of the testing effort and the project as a whole.
- Environment: Java, Selenium RC/IDE/GRID, JUnit, ANT, SoapUI, XPath, Quality Center, Eclipse, SOAP, Firebug, UAT, SQL, Oracle, Windows, Agile-Scrum, Jira
- en Stage is a provider of payment products and services for the emerging payment channels of debit and stored value cards, global remittances, mobile payments, and electronic payments.
- Executed Test automation scripts with selenium and appium for Card management system where customers bank personnel will create prepaid cards for customers enrolling with banks.
- Developed scripts for card management with modules such as , create card, reload card , cancel card, block card etc.
- Main device used by banks would be ipad, but developed scripts for both android and IOS.
- Provided training for creating tests in Appium and monitored and tracked project status.
- Provided technical guidance with respect to selenium and Appium development queries.
- Built Big data testing teams from root level, Created Project road map, co – ordinated meetings with Architecture teams, Ingested files to data marts , suspended /resumed oozie jobs to perform data loads with manipulated scenarios in the data files. Set context for testing project. Prepared matrix, controlled and monitored Bigdata project test execution
- Initiate, execute monitor and control end to end QA project activies.
- Provide feed back to reportee.
- Create daily status metrics and present it to stake holders
- Provide though leadership
- Attend System Requirement Reviews and develop Application design.
- Review and approve Test plan , test cases written by Junior testers
- Built test automation framework in order to reduce manual efforts.
- Tested Webservices
- Review code developed by peers.
- Write and execute Integration Test Cases.
- Support System Testing and User Acceptance testing phases.
IDesk is an integrated system used by People of IFC (an integral part of client company ) which handles all the Customer and Financial related information which is required by the client.
- Prepared Low Level Design Documents
- Deveoped test cases for Unix, Informatica and UI testing
Test Automation with QTP / Selenium and webdriver
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I joined here under an impression of a long term project with a client call CVS pharmacy. Project did not turn up for the company , hence with a vision of long term engagement ad stability changed company. But developed and provided test automation framework for all the feature assignments.
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- Analyzed the user requirements, functional specifications and used Case documents for Functional testing.
- Developed framework with Mobile device testing for responsive sites of a project called Itreasury ( ACH payments system )
- Executed test automation on a daily basis and provided reports to stake holders.
- Developed scripts for IOS and android for mobile applications.
- Automated modules such as ACH payments, check management etc.
- Developed benchmark for mobile devices for automation usage.
- Initiated, maintained and owned mobile automation efforts. Lead 5 team members for script developments.
- Provided training for creating tests in Qmetry and monitored and tracked project status.
- Provided technical guidance with respect to selenium and Qmetry development queries.
- Built Big data(Hadoop) testing teams from root level, Created Project road map, co – ordinated meetings with Architecture teams, Ingested files through ETL work flows and ensured data integrity, completeness to data marts , suspended /resumed oozie jobs to perform data loads with manipulated scenarios in the data files. Set context for testing project. Prepared matrix, controlled and monitored Bigdata project test execution. Developed SQL queries to perform testing.
- Used Maven, Selenium Webdriver, Java and Selenium / Qmetry to create automation scripts.
- Initiate, execute monitor and control end to end QA project activies.
- Provide feed back to reportee.
- Create daily status metrics and present it to stake holders
- Provide though leadership
- Developed Selenium test scripts for identified test cases by using data driven, keyboard driven and hybrid framework.
- Created functional scripts for Big Data and Mobile Testing.
- Managed 40 offshore and 2 onsite resources for daily execution and test automation
- Built teams from root level, defined project road map, allocated tasks and executed project.
- Provided QA status on periodic basis and provided information on Quality of the project to decide go/No go.
- Provided suggestions about software, feed back to reportees on performance
- Reviewed Specified Business Documents and prepared Test Cases using Quality Center based on the requirements.
- Performed various types of tests including Regression testing, GUI testing, Black-box testing, White-box testing, Integration testing, etc. to enhance application performance.
- Involved in verification of Frontend GUI Objects and elements.
- Done SOA testing for Payments API's using ReadyAPI and Java framework for web services testing.
- Worked with deployment team to create nightly automation regression execution builds.
- Involved in writing SQL Queries for backend testing.
- Tested ACH, cheque management and other financial modules in commercial banking domain.
- Involved in weekly walkthroughs and inspection meetings, to verify the status of the testing effort and the project as a whole.
- Environment: Java, Selenium RC/IDE/GRID, JUnit, ANT, SoapUI, XPath, Quality Center, Eclipse, SOAP, Firebug, UAT, SQL, Oracle, Windows, Agile-Scrum, Jira
- en Stage is a provider of payment products and services for the emerging payment channels of debit and stored value cards, global remittances, mobile payments, and electronic payments.
- Executed Test automation scripts with selenium and appium for Card management system where customers bank personnel will create prepaid cards for customers enrolling with banks.
- Developed scripts for card management with modules such as , create card, reload card , cancel card, block card etc.
- Main device used by banks would be ipad, but developed scripts for both android and IOS.
- Provided training for creating tests in Appium and monitored and tracked project status.
- Provided technical guidance with respect to selenium and Appium development queries.
- Built Big data testing teams from root level, Created Project road map, co – ordinated meetings with Architecture teams, Ingested files to data marts , suspended /resumed oozie jobs to perform data loads with manipulated scenarios in the data files. Set context for testing project. Prepared matrix, controlled and monitored Bigdata project test execution
- Initiate, execute monitor and control end to end QA project activies.
- Provide feed back to reportee.
- Create daily status metrics and present it to stake holders
- Provide though leadership
- Attend System Requirement Reviews and develop Application design.
- Review and approve Test plan , test cases written by Junior testers
- Built test automation framework in order to reduce manual efforts.
- Tested Webservices
- Review code developed by peers.
- Write and execute Integration Test Cases.
- Support System Testing and User Acceptance testing phases.
IDesk is an integrated system used by People of IFC (an integral part of client company ) which handles all the Customer and Financial related information which is required by the client.
- Prepared Low Level Design Documents
- Deveoped test cases for Unix, Informatica and UI testing
- Test Automation with QTP / Selenium and webdriver.