About Me
Profoundly talented Product Tester with an overall experience of 13.7 years.Having Experience in testing of Client-tier & Web Applications.Having Experience in the ALM Process.Hands of Experience in Testing Applications in Azure Environment.Experienc...
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Portfolio Projects
Expedite is loan process application where the bankers requested to the customer to thecomplete process through digitally and sending the documents information to the customers andcompleted the process by using different packaging types posting packages to the recipients by usingpackage manager and package router
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Blue cherry is completely ERP based product. It has 2 versions classic & Infinity.It has around1040 screens and direct or indirect 200 clients are using Blue cherry. It is a big End to End fashionApparel product.Which is covered with mainly AWS (Warehouse management system) Sales orderProduction order AR management AP voucher EDIE commerce (B2C -ShopifymagentoJet.comNuorder) B2B (Threadvine). Blue cherry is interlinked with EDI Testing thirdparty orders like shopifynuorder those orders are processed through EDI Process only. This Application is helpful to thedistributors wholesalers importers who will deliver orders to the customers.
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Blue cherry is a completely ERP based product. It has 2 versions classic & Infinity.It has
around 1040 screens and direct or indirect 200 clients are using Blue cherry. It is a big End to
End fashion Apparel product.Which is covered with mainly AWS (Warehouse management
system), Sales order, Production order, AR management, AP voucher, EDI,E-commerce (B2C -
Shopify,magento,Jet.com, Nuorder), B2B (Threadvine).
Module1: AIMS with Zendesk Support API Integration
AIMS is a complete, fully integrated order and production processing system for fashion
manufacturers, wholesalers, importers and distributors of clothing, footwear, handbags,
accessories, home furnishings and other sewn products. For this Application to maintain a
Support, Zendesk is a third-party E-commerce website which provides entire support to the
customer applications. Client or customers interact with the supporting team through from the
website or from the AIMS application. Regarding queries or information required for the
application, they will create tickets to AIMS support team from Zendesk. Support team will
interact with customers and provide solutions from Zendesk ticketing system.
Module2: AIMS with NuOrder API Integration
Nu order is a website in that user can create an account and Export styles from AIMS360
application to NuOrder account, Import AIMS360 styles stock to NuOrder account, Sync
the stock from Nu order to AIMS360. Orders will create based on discount, taxes &
shipping terms. The users can download the orders created in Nu order via tokens and
process them in AIMS 360 and after the orders have been processed then stock in AIMS
360 would be adjusted as part of the normal order management functionality in
AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generated from AIMS360 application to the
Module3: AIMS with Shopify API Integration
Shopify is a website in that user can create a store and collections, styles which are
present in AIMS360, Export styles from AIMS360 to Shopify, Import AIMS360 styles
stock to Shopify store, Sync the stock from Shopify to AIMS360. Based on select
customer orders will create. The order will create based on discount, taxes & shipping
terms. The users can download the orders created in Shopify via API and process them
in AIMS 360 and after the orders have been processed then stock in AIMS 360 would be
adjusted as part of the normal order management functionality in AIMS360. Invoice &
shipping will be generated from AIMS360 application to the customers.
Module4: AIMS with Brand Boom API Integration
Brand boom is a website in that customer can create a store and styles which are
present in AIMS360. Order will create based on discount, taxes & shipping terms. The
users can download the orders created in Brand Boom via API and process them in AIMS
360 and after the orders has been processed then stock in AIMS 360 would be adjusted
as part of the normal order management functionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping
will be generated from AIMS360 application to the customers.
Module5: AIMS360 License Application
License application which provides authentication to the companies which are using
AIMS360 Application based on the company settings it should provide the module permissions.
It should link between the Zendesk support ticketing systems and AIMS360 application. Based
on License application AIMS360 application will be deployed to the manufacture companies.
License application should handle the companies whether companies are actively suing
application or payment process continuously doing for the supporting people
Module6: AIMS with Shop the Floor API Integration
Shop the Floor is a website in that customer can create a categories and styles which are
present in AIMS360. Order will create based on discount, taxes & shipping terms. The users can
download the orders created in Shop The Floor via API and process them in AIMS 360 and after
the orders has been processed then stock in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as part of the normal
order management functionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generated from
AIMS360 application to the customers.
Module7: AIMS with Bergen API Integration
Bergen is a website in that customer can see the Pick Tickets which are present in
AIMS360. Pick Tickets will export to Bergen based on categories. The users can export the pick
tickets created in AIMS360 via API and process them in Bergen and after that modified pick
tickets has been processed with updated details in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as part of the
normal order management functionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generated from
AIMS360 application to the customers.
Module8: AIMS with Shop link API Integration
Shop link is a website in that user can create Categories, styles which are present in
AIMS360, Export styles from AIMS360 to Shop link, Import AIMS360 styles stock to Shop
link, Sync the stock from Shopify to AIMS360. Based on select customer orders will
create. Order will create based on discount, taxes & shipping terms. The users can
download the orders created in Shop link via API and process them in AIMS 360 and
after the orders has been processed then stock in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as part
of the normal order management functionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be
generated from AIMS360 application to the customers.
Module9: AIMS with EDI
EDI is Electronic Document Interface with Process EDI flat files to create different orders
in AIMS360, Order information, UPC Catalogue information, Order status Information, Shipment
Processing Information, Invoice creation information. All EDI outbound files information will
export/import by using FTP servers.
Module10: AIMS Normal Process
AIMS is a complete, fully integrated order and production processing system for
fashion manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, and distributors of clothing,
footwear, handbags, accessories, home furnishings and other sewn products.
With AIMS, apparel firms ofALLsizes can leverage a full suite of management
tools that automate and enhance critical operations. AIMS runs via the Web,
and can be purchased for deployment as an on-site solution (secure cloud-
based), or rented as a hosted application.
Module10: Shipment Processing
In AIMS360 after order creation, companies use Shipment Processing to deliver order to
the customers. After order created to the customer, manufacturing company will create the pick
ticket to start the delivery process. If manufacturing chooses Auto pack shipment: Application
will create cartons with packed quantity automatically. If manufacturing chooses manual
shipment: Application will create empty shipment then manufacturing persons will distribute
the pack quantity in different cartons. Once shipment is created manufacturing persons will
choose shipping types to the cartons based on weights and finalize the shipments. Once
Shipments finalized the orders are ready to Invoice and deliver to the customers
• Understanding the Technical Specification of the product
• Identifying and preparing Test scenarios for the application.
• Preparing and executing effective Test Cases based on Technical Specification
• Peer reviewing the test scenarios and the test cases.
• Preparation of test data for validating the application.
• Extensively performed a Manual Testing process to ensure the quality of the
• Performed Black box testing like Smoke testing, GUI testing, Functional testing, Re-
testing, Ad hoc (Exploratory testing), Compatibility testing (OS Platforms, Cross-
browsing), Regression testing, Security Testing and Reviewing Database.
• Testing Application in Azure Environment.
• Defect Tracking and Reporting using TFS & MTM (Microsoft Test Manager).
• Coordination with developers on fixing the bugs
• Involved in SQL queries designing to validate the data in Database
• Conducting effective training sessions to Testing Trainees
• Actively participated in Test reviews
• Actively involved in Client calls and sprint meetings
• Responsible for performing Release testing and Shadow testing on the application
• Reviewing the Testing completed tasks by the team members.
Apparel Easy Shop is a robust, full-featured online shopping solution in the apparel industry. This
comprehensive software package provides all the capabilities that retailers of apparel, footwear,
accessories, and other sewn products need to efficiently and cost-effectively set up and manage
a Web-based store. The application is divided into two modules: Admin module and User
module. In Admin module, Products and categories can be easily added, modified, or changed
and color swatches, size charts, styles, Color Breakout options, Shipping Settings, Checkout
settings, Administrator Settings, View Order details, Zoom options and other options can be
quickly uploaded and incorporated into product descriptions. In User module, end users add,
update and remove their favorite products in shopping cart and purchase the products by using
three checkout processes i.e. Credit Cards (VISA, Master Card, and American Express) through
Autorize.net, PayPal and Google Checkout. The system can generate Gift Cards for purchasing
the products online.
• Understanding the Technical Specification of the project.
• Involved in Test Plan preparation.
• Identifying and preparing Test scenarios for the application.
• Preparing and executing effective Test Cases based on Technical Specification
• Peer reviewing the test scenarios and the test cases.
• Preparation of test data for validating the application.
• Performed Black box testing like Smoke testing, GUI testing, Functional testing, Re-
testing, Ad hoc (Exploratory testing), Compatibility testing (OS Platforms, Cross-
browsing), Regression testing, Security Testing (SQL Injection) and Database testing.
• Defect Tracking and Reporting using Bug tracker.
In AIMS360 after order creation, companies use Shipment Processing to deliver order to
the customers. After order created to the customer, manufacturing company will create the pick
ticket to start the delivery process. If manufacturing chooses Auto pack shipment: Application
will create cartons with packed quantity automatically. If manufacturing chooses manual
shipment: Application will create empty shipment then manufacturing persons will distribute
the pack quantity in different cartons. Once shipment is created manufacturing persons will
choose shipping types to the cartons based on weights and finalize the shipments. Once
Shipments finalized the orders are ready to Invoice and deliver to the customers
• Understanding the Technical Specification of the product
• Identifying and preparing Test scenarios for the application.
• Preparing and executing effective Test Cases based on Technical Specification
• Peer reviewing the test scenarios and the test cases.
• Preparation of test data for validating the application.
• Extensively performed a Manual Testing process to ensure the quality of the
• Performed Black box testing like Smoke testing, GUI testing, Functional testing, Re-
testing, Ad hoc (Exploratory testing), Compatibility testing (OS Platforms, Cross-
browsing), Regression testing, Security Testing and Reviewing Database.
AIMS is a complete fully integrated order and production processing system for fashionmanufacturers wholesalers importers and distributors of clothing footwearhandbags accessories home furnishings and other sewn products. With AIMS apparelfirms of ALL sizes can leverage a full suite of management tools that automate andenhance critical operations. AIMS runs via the Web and can be purchased fordeployment as an on-site solution (secure cloud-based) or rented as a hostedapplication.
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EDI is Electronic Document Interface with Process EDI flat files to create orders in AIMS360Order information UPC Catalogue information Order status Information Shipment ProcessingInformation Invoice creation information. All EDI outbound files information will export/import by usingFTP servers.
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AIMS is a complete fully integrated order and production processing system for fashionmanufacturers wholesalers importers and distributors of clothing footwear handbags accessorieshome furnishings and other sewn products. For this Application to maintain a Support Zendesk is athird-party E-commerce website which provides entire support to the customer applications. Client orcustomers interact with the supporting team through from the website or from the AIMS application.Regarding queries or information required for the application they will create tickets to AIMS supportteam from Zendesk. Support team will interact with customers and provide solutions from Zendeskticketing system.
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Nu order is a website in that user can create an account and Export styles from AIMS360application to NuOrder account Import AIMS360 styles stock to NuOrder account Sync thestock from Nu order to AIMS360. Orders will create based on discount taxes & shipping terms.The users can download the orders created in Nu order via tokens and process them in AIMS360 and after the orders have been processed then stock in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as partof the normal order management functionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generatedfrom AIMS360 application to the customers.
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Shopify is a website in that user can create a store and collections styles which are present inAIMS360 Export styles from AIMS360 to Shopify Import AIMS360 styles stock to Shopify storeSync the stock from Shopify to AIMS360. Based on select customer orders will create. The orderwill create based on discount taxes & shipping terms. The users can download the orderscreated in Shopify via API and process them in AIMS 360 and after the orders have beenprocessed then stock in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as part of the normal order managementfunctionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generated from AIMS360 application to thecustomers.
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Brand boom is a website in that customer can create a store and styles which are present inAIMS360. Order will create based on discount taxes & shipping terms. The users can downloadthe orders created in Brand Boom via API and process them in AIMS 360 and after the ordershas been processed then stock in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as part of the normal ordermanagement functionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generated from AIMS360application to the customers.
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License application which provides authentication to the companies which are using AIMS360Application based on the company settings it should provide the module permissions. It should linkbetween the Zendesk support ticketing systems and AIMS360 application. Based on License applicationAIMS360 application will be deployed to the manufacture companies. License application should handlethe companies whether companies are actively suing application or payment process continuously doingfor the supporting people
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Shop the Floor is a website in that customer can create a categories and styles which are presentin AIMS360. Order will create based on discount taxes & shipping terms. The users can download theorders created in Shop The Floor via API and process them in AIMS 360 and after the orders has beenprocessed then stock in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as part of the normal order managementfunctionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generated from AIMS360 application to thecustomers.
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Bergen is a website in that customer can see the Pick Tickets which are present in AIMS360. PickTickets will export to Bergen based on categories. The users can export the pick tickets created inAIMS360 via API and process them in Bergen and after that modified pick tickets has been processedwith updated details in AIMS 360 would be adjusted as part of the normal order managementfunctionality in AIMS360. Invoice & shipping will be generated from AIMS360 application to thecustomers.
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Shop link is a website in that user can create Categories styles which are present in AIMS360Export styles from AIMS360 to Shop link Import AIMS360 styles stock to Shop link Sync thestock from Shopify to AIMS360. Based on select customer orders will create. Order will createbased on discount taxes & shipping terms. The users can download the orders created in Shoplink via API and process them in AIMS 360 and after the orders has been processed then stock inAIMS 360 would be adjusted as part of the normal order management functionality in AIMS360.Invoice & shipping will be generated from AIMS360 application to the customers.
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AIMS is a complete fully integrated order and production processing system for fashionmanufacturers wholesalers importers and distributors of clothing footwearhandbags accessories home furnishings and other sewn products. With AIMS apparelfirms of ALL sizes can leverage a full suite of management tools that automate andenhance critical operations. AIMS runs via the Web and can be purchased fordeployment as an on-site solution (secure cloud-based) or rented as a hostedapplication.
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