Manu J.

Manu J.

Expert in manual and automation testing having 11yrs Of experience

Bengaluru , India

Experience: 11 Years


Bengaluru , India

Expert in manual and automation testing having 11yrs Of experience

8571.43 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

11 Years

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About Me

Expert in manual and automation testing having 11yrs Of experience

automation using selenium java, having extensive knowledge in all types of testing which include functional, security, performance 


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Portfolio Projects


LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 150 million members
and growing rapidly. LinkedIn connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you
exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of
professionals. In the SEARCH track, People Search, Jobs Search, Companies Search,
Public Search, Typeahead, Group Search and I18N modules are involved, which
helps the user to search and connect to trusted contacts, finding relevant jobs.

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● Handling QA team of 9 by managing their tasks and involvement in releases.
● Assessing & monitoring the team development graph and taking action
accordingly to improve their skills.
● Assessing the team performance based on KRAs assigned
● Study of Functional requirements specification documents and identifying test
● Conducting Weekly Sprint Planning, prioritizing the bugs by discussing with
● Involved in preparation and enhancement of automated scripts using
Selenium with java for the identified Automation Scenarios.
● Handling Escalations from Operations team.
● Analyzing the project along with Dev to know if any requirements missing.

● Involved in Code Review of the Developed feature before taking a release.
● Responsible for interacting with the Client/Sales and attending the Status
● Reporting and tracking defects using defect tracking tool: JIRA
● Test Cases creation and updation through Test management tool:
● Involved in Executing Test Cases & Preparing Test Summary Reports.
● Defects Raising & Re-Testing for Fixing.
● Running the automated scripts using Jenkins tool
● Analyzing the Failed scripts and reporting bugs/Fixing the scripts.
● Maintaining the scripts like changing xpaths, work flow based on the
requirements change.
● Prepared Daily Status Reports and Weekly Status Reports

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Mobile Storm is a web-based marketing tool handled by Ritwik Software, it
allows you to reach your audience and get BIG returns by using state-of-the-art
technology to deploy mobile and email campaigns in seconds. We can send a broad-
reaching message to your entire database or a highly targeted message to a limited
number.It offers two customizable products

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Local restaurant application which takes orders and sends the delivery

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