About Me
Career spanning over 6+ years of IT experience in Testing Areas (Automation and Manual) as a QA Engineer.Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in the Information Technology industry that offers professionalgrowth while being resourcef...
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Portfolio Projects
This project development involved 3-tier architecture. The System is designed to standardize thetest automation done throughout the Bank and the Vendor-Networks in the efficient way. It executes Featurefiles (Cucumber) with corresponding step-definitions and UFT scripts in different machines without runningmanually those in the respective machines. For each execution of Feature files, to track the Testing/Executionprogress, it is developed with the feature of sending of Email to the specified Email Ids or Group Email Ids withthe Script execution details i.e. the count of Pass/Fail/Skip/Warning test cases with the completion percentageof execution.
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This project development involved 3-tier architecture. Its a Loan Application designed to providethe bank customers with all kinds of loans and also tracking the Customer inputs through the UI. Thisapplication is developed using Sales force Cloud Technology with SAAS.
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This project development involved 3-tier architecture. Its a claim processing application with allthe medical claims. It includes all the details of the claim to be processed from the claim initiation to the claimFinalization (Closure). This application using a service layer called a HUB for around 14-Applications.
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This is the product that is going to store all the company or organizational portfolio with details oftheir employee information like their insurance coverage, life insurance, Family insurance etc. This has beendesigned in such a way that, it will accept the data from different kind of sources and process those andmeantime store in the specified DB in a detailed way.
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This is the product designed to have an automated process to send details to the respective planstaken by cardholders. Also, it stores the details of the information of a plan, letter, operations which is linked todifferent plans. And if a plan is taken by a cardholder, all the necessary information (address info etc.) will beshared with the automated process to the cardholder at the time of need (Monthly/Quarterly).
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This is the application designed to design the card, create package plan and their types, so thatuser can also design their card and associate to their package been taken. There are several componentspresent like Field catalog, Data Map, Media, Member Material Request, Customer Maintenance etc.
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This is the application designed, where a member can generate their pass and store to their applewallet. And also, designed in such a way, that a member can see the list of Groups that member is associatedwith. As of now, this digital wallet is designed for only MAC and IOS which restricted to only safari browser.
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