About Me
LoreMine Technologies Automation QA ( Since March 2019 to Present )Codea Technologies - Quality Analyst ( Since July 2018 - March 2019)Long River InfoTech - Software Test Engineer (April 2012 – June 2016)...
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Portfolio Projects
ApartmentTrends.com has providingthe most comprehensive data and analysis of the greater Austin and San Antonio multi-family housing markets since 1994.
ApartmentTrends.com updates its essential criteria as its researchers harvest the data daily and that information is rolled into quarterly reports enhanced by invaluable historical perspectives.
Data is inclusive of properties with 50 or more units in the following property types:
- Conventional/Market Rate Housing
- Student/Leased by the Bed Housing
- Affordable/Tax Credit Housing
- Senior Living Communities
eCareAgora website provides service in medical or life sciences fields.Individuals or businesses (Industry or academia) can post their project or serviceneeds online and select the best from the available options. Individual Providersor businesses (Industry or academia) will place proposals for the jobs. Paymentsare done based on project progress or completion. Rating and comments on theproviders and tasks enhance decision-taking capabilities for buyers. Templatesfor general tasks and projects assist buyers for fast and professionalcommunication of their exact requirements and services URL : http://ecareagora.com/
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Perfect Solution for Visitor Management, Automates the management of visitorsupon arrival at reception. Registers, badges and tracks visitors right from arrivaltill departure, for the appointment and walk-in visitors. Online appointmentsand visit scheduling Online appointments by visitors themselves or by hosts(employees, tenants, guests). Technology : java
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A group management tool with integrated social networking for differentcommunities and groups.GROUPIYA permits to maximize the featuresand services to enjoy community management through social media withmultilanguage and mobile application support. URL - www.groupiya.com
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Fun With Verbs( Lite,Level1,Level2,Advanced) Designed to interactively allowstudents practice with receptive and expressive syntax structures. The app isdeveloped for typically developing 2-5 year olds or older children with languagedelays. Between The Lines (Lite, Level1, Level2, Advanced) Perfect for social-cognitive, perspective-taking and body language awareness! The app isdeveloped for typically developing 2-5 year olds or older children. First PhraseThe app is developed for typically developing 2-5 year olds or older children.Listening Power Grade 4-8+ Description : It is for students in grades 4-8 andabove. Designed by a licensed speech-language pathologist, the app focuses onlanguage processing and auditory processing tasks.
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