About Me
Seeking a challenging and rewarding career in Data Visualization as Tableau Developer/Analyst professional having total 8+ years and 3+ years recent work experience as Tableau Consultant where I can contribute my knowledge and skills for growth, deve...
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Portfolio Projects
Interacting with Clients, understand their requirements and provide suggestions if needed(More of like Business Analyst)Report Creation: With the Transformed data, creating user interacting reports usingCalculated Fields, Data extracts, Data blending, Forecasting, Dashboard actions, TableCalculations, LOD Expressions Etc.Automating existing report (excel and other reports) with newly added features intoTableau reports.Building, publishing customized interactive reports and dashboards, report schedulingusing Tableau server.Restricted data for particular users using Row level security and User filters.YTD, QTD and MTD type of analysis.Gather data necessary to accomplish analysis from a number of sources, accumulate ittogether and process Tableau and SQL.Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server were used to create multiple user Interactive reports.
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Data Analytics project on TableauCreating metrics, attributes, filters, reports, and dashboards. Created advanced chart types,visualizations and complex calculations to manipulate the data. Act as a Point of Contact inData Interoperability, Analytics and BI and Production Support issue resolution.Automating existing report(excel and other reports) with newly added features into Tableaureports.Responsible for the design, development & delivery of management reports on Tableau inconformance with the prescribed reporting standards, timelines & output quality standards.
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LTTS was a implementation project on SAP ABAP & Tableau .I have creating a routine program thats process the import processing in the system.Maintained Existing reports, user groups, Extract Schedules etc.Responsible for the design, development & delivery of management reports on Tableau inconformance with the prescribed reporting standards, timelines & output quality standards.Maintain valued relationship with business managers and leaders & consistently deliverhigh-quality results.Respond Ad-hoc request timely.
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BDST is a implementation project on ECC 6.0.Report :Create alv oops report which is display the payment advice of customer payment in alvoops output as well as PDF output.Smartforms :Smart form and print program by copying the existing SAP Standard Smart form forDelivery Note. Address window was modified to add the supplier address. Page window wasmodified to format as per the clients requirements.Conversion:Used LSMW to migrate Customer Master Data from Legacy System into R/3 System usingBatch Input Technique.
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AMS is a implementation project on ECC 6 and Tableau.Report :Generated an ALV Report to fetch material master data based on input screen to find outthe storage location details based on material plant and extract a discrepancyreport to retrieve material where deletion flag is set at client level.IDoc :When create a purchases order or made a changes in customer muster table that isautomatically upload the data using the IDoc.BADI/Enhancement:Using a user exit to validate Pan Number for vendor master data, using the transactionxk01.
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HOAD is a implementation project on ECC 6.0.Report :Create alv oops report which is display the payment advice of customer payment in alvoops output as well as PDF output.Smartforms :Smart form and print program by copying the existing SAP Standard Smart form forDelivery Note. Address window was modified to add the supplier address. Page window wasmodified to format as per the clients requirements.
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