About Me
I am passionate about technology and marketing, I have a degree in Systems Engineering (UNCP) and an MBA with a mention in Marketing Management (ESAN). I have extensive experience in IT project management, web solution development, use of digital mar...
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Portfolio Projects
Project for controlling Instruments of Water compsumtionmeasurement for Sedapall Water company.
The software in made in C# and it has the following modules:
- Client requirements
- Revision Programming
- Workload distribution
- Certificates validation
- Instruments administration
- Clients administration
Development of Isuranse for cars selling and customer retention.
- API integration with Online Payment system
- API development for callcenter integration
- Front End developed in PHP Laravel with Angular and Bootstrap
- Back End developed in C# .Net
- Database integration between Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL
The application had modules of recruitment, clients engagement, insurance selling, and client relationship management.
It counted with configuration pannels to set and measure activity and sales goals, and also a dashboard with the most importat KPIs and notifications.
It was made in PHP CodeIgniter, DB2, Bootstrap and Jquery, It also consumed Google APIs to integrate google calendar and Google maps into the application.
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