About Me
3.6 Year experience in the development of applications in area of education & knowledge sharing....
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Portfolio Projects
C#,Web-API,Kendo UI,HTML5,Javascript and Jquery
Property management system is a proprietary html 5 browser based single page web application it manages the Project of Contraction like as flat,home,Bunglows..etc User can work in live document ,navigate menus,open dialog boxes, and perform task
Responsibilities: Designing simulation controls using C#,HTML5 and Javascript Analyzing and Programming Functionalities
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Environment: MVC ,C#, Web-API,Web-Service,MS Sql 2012,Devexpress tool
Project Details: It is a Web Application they provide the information of products to the customers it is an user friendly a Web Application. User can work in live document ,navigate menus and perform task we are using the Devexpress tool in This web application for the requirement and using the reports tool like as SSRS and RDLC.
Responsibilities: Front end Development in MVC and C# Backed management using Entity Framework as per Requirement
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Food Management System is a Online Food Ordering SystemIs a html 5 browser based it manges the project using Andriod Aap orIOS Aap.Project like as Make Restaurant,Item-Categories,FeedBack,Rating,Table bookingReports, coupon,promotion,Voucher, etc.User can use the web/mobileapp in live Restaurant navigate menus, Register,And Place Order
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I have working in the marketing site and we are manage msp clientdata. In this site we are used the Remote monitoring and management[RMM]and Professional Services Automation[PSA] integration tools. We are generateopportunity[Report] for msp client and then it convert into business.For the msp client data, we are import data our on azure database usingazure web job and also we are generate opportunity for the reseller company.We are manage reseller images and other document on the one driveintegration. For this we are use folder structure with role and permission as perthe reseller.I have worked on the push to psa opportunities on the CRM and importthose opportunities in the our azure database.
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I have working in the Rabies collection system site and we are manageRabies of people data. In this site we are used the different Dynamic Forms.Teams are collect information in android/IOS offline app throw collect rabiesinformation after when they have internet then sync data to server for parmentality store dataI have worked on the to manage the data and handle to provide give thereport of collectd data
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