About Me
Experienced Developer with expertise in Java/J2EE and Salesforce, involved in various phases of software development such as design, development, code review, unit testing, and performance testing....
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Portfolio Projects
1 . About Project : This project is about manging work progess in agile methodology and also help in collecting data from other sandboxes through API.
ROLE : Work as a developer.
MODULES :I worked on following modules:
1. Coversion from classic to lightning versiom
2. Creating lightning components (e.g. auto search field , popup, cloning, creating data and saving it on server side etc)
3. Fix the UI issues (Sizing, margins etc)
4. Integration from salesforce to java (through oauth)
5. Deployment part (through ant and github)
6. Also work on salesforce1 to make this application work in mobile
Technologies : Salesforce, Javascript, CSS, Java, AWS
In salesforce we worked on scratch org
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About Project : Create UI for Boeing client which help people working with boeing to properly save and manage their documents.
ROLE : Developer
MODULES : I worked on following modules:
1. Create the UI as per mockup
2. FIx the UI issues
3. Saving and load data from the server
4. Deployment (through Git)
Technologies : JAVA, Angular js, Bootstrap, CSS, Javascript
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About Project : Help sales to estimate the resources for the project like time required, costing of the resources, Cost of the resources etc.
ROLE : Developer
Modules : Worked on following modules:
1. Creating lightning components (modals, popup, Charts etc)
2. Fix the UI issues
3. Deployment (Through GIt hub)
Technologies used : Salesforce, Javascript, CSS
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