About Me
For me key to every successful project is attension to the details in communication so usually one of my skills is Good listner and Expressor.
A part from that, i usually deals with technicalities such as
HTML5, Resposinve ...
HTML5, Resposinve webdesign, User experiences, PHP and backend development including SQL and Ajax.
One of my strong point is that i also design cross platform Mobile applications for both android and ios with the help of Cordova and flutter.
Also work on Customise OpenCart Designs and Desktop application and Kiosk screen in musuems and malls.
Refrence to the small scale website that were designed in last couple of years.
--> stteresaschooljunior.com,
--> stestosteppingstones.in
--> sportshome.in
--> sumansroyal.com
Apart from that i have worked on different sectors websites and Mobile application of large scale for refrence please contact.
Portfolio Projects
School Website withCMS where school can regularly post updates in news and blog section.
they can update new datesheet events and academic callender every year
They can also create photo albums to create photo memories.
apart from that visitors can also send enquiry and also admission enquiries with all the details.
Website to showcase flats and property with dynmic banner which are uploaded thugh backend panel .
Construction update
and Chat / Enquiry support.
Apart from that from backend we can create email campaigns and Text message campaigns.
Also Exisiting cutomers can pay through a payment gateway.