About Me
Working on Python and SQL based projects. Involving ETL development and getting experienced with MSSQL server.Time series forecasting using various models-including neural networks....
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Portfolio Projects
Aim : To predict the salary of the job seeking candidate .
Tools used : Python, CSS, HTML, Flask, Sublime text, Jupyter notebook
Techniques used : ML algorithm- Linear regression
This is basically a very simple app that predicts the salary of the candidate by using its Experience(years) , Test score (out of 10) and Interview score(out of 10)
Aim : To Predict Whether the person is suffering from any Heart disease.
Tools used : Python, CSS, HTML, Jupyter notebook, Flask, Sublime text
Techniques used : ML algorithm- Random forest
This is a tools that can analyze whether the person has any cardiac problem or not based on some of the inputs that can be easily calculated by any individual.
Aim : To Predict Whether the person has Diabetes or not .
Tools used : Python, CSS, HTML, Jupyter notebook, Flask, Sublime text
Techniques used : ML algorithm- Random forest
This is a tools that can analyze whether the person has diabetes or not based on the Age, Glucose level and BMI