About Me
4 Years of experience as a Reactjs Developer/Front End Developer /UI Developer The projects based HTML5, CSS3,SCSS,SASS, Bootstrap,Matrial UI, Reactjs, Nextjs,SSR,Redux,Thunk,Hook,saga,JavaScript,Typescript,Webpack are used. Designed layouts and temp...
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Portfolio Projects
Development DataExl Application using React js, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Style Module, Bootstrap,Github,gitlab.
This Application is made for for Bakend People to see how many Adevertising is running and taking a report through
this Application.
Development Ekaa Ticketing system using React js, Redux,Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Style Module
,Bootstrap,Github,gitlab. Which is used for Ticketing system in Team App.
Development WorkBench L&T UI Bot Application using React js, Redux,Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Style Module
,Bootstrap, Github,gitlab. Which is used Approval system in Team App.
Involvement in designing the UI strategy, UI requirments, converting finding into UI design.
Experience in CSS pixel-level layout, consistency with browers.
Expertise in JIRA, SCRUM, Agile methodologies : I have thorough experience of Agile methodology of software
development and have helped my team to achieve Cross teams functional collaboration.
Git for Version control.
Visual Studio Code and Notepad++.
I was taking many Technical Interview in this company during college compush hiring.
Job Responsibility:-
· Development DataExl Application using React js, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Style Module, Bootstrap. This Application is made for for Bakend People to see how many Adevertising is running and taking a report through this Application.
· Development Ekaa Ticketing system and WorkBench L&T UI Bot Application using React js, Redux,Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Style Module ,Bootstrap. Which is used for Ticketing system in Team App.
· Involvement in designing the UI strategy, UI requirments, converting finding into UI design.
· Experience in CSS pixel-level layout, consistency with browers.
· Expertise in JIRA, SCRUM, Agile methodologies : I have thorough experience of Agile methodology of software development and have helped my team to achieve Cross teams functional collaboration.
· Git for Version control.
· Visual Studio Code and Notepad++.
I was taking many Technical Interview in this company during college compush hiring.
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Development UI Web Application CMS using Javascript, jquery, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap. Which is used for App transaction related query, User Role, App web View.
Development of web view in the App.
Involvement in designing the UI strategy, UI requirments, converting finding into UI design.
Experience in CSS pixel-level layout, consistency with browers.
Expertise in JIRA, SCRUM, Agile methodologies : I have thorough experience of Agile methodology of software development and have helped my team to achieve Cross teams functional collaboration.
Fully Development and front-end interfaces for websites and applications across a wide variety of industries using Html,Css,javascript,jquery,Bootstrap.
Git for Version control.
Visual Studio Code and Notepad++.
Fully Development and front-end interfaces for websites and applications across a wide variety of industries using Html,Css,javascript,jquery,Bootstrap.
Use previous server-side scripting language experience to empower team-led development processes with coworkers and clients.
Be conversant with best web design practices and participate in fully utilizing them as well as pushing their boundaries.
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