Co-Founder, Tech Lead

Bengaluru , India

Experience: 4 Years


Bengaluru , India

Co-Founder, Tech Lead

USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date:

4 Years

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About Me

Developed a web application which enables employers to post openings in their company and users can refer other professionals from their network for a referral bonus. Users can also apply to a job should it interest them. Led a team of 2 developers t...

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Portfolio Projects


  • Developed a multi-store E-Commerce application using Vue Storefront, Vue, Vuex, ElasticSearch, Express & Node.
  • Scaled application to 20+ stores
  • Developed Express Middleware APIs to communicate with Magento, ElasticSearch & Payment Gateways (Razorpay, PayU, Midtrans)

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  • Developed features for a POS application.
  • Added important functionalities like Hold Cart, payment gateway integrations.
  • Revamped UI of application using Angular Material.

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  • Designed an internal component framework using Angular Material.
  • Revamped and developed catalog and inventory modules.
  • Drove security certification of frontend applications.

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  • Developed a multi-store E-Commerce application using Vue Storefront, Vue, Vuex, ElasticSearch, Express & Node.
  • Built self-checkout application using barcode scan (No Contact Shopping)
  • Developed Express Middleware APIs to communicate with Magento, ElasticSearch & Payment Gateways (Razorpay, PayU, Midtrans)

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Developed a portfolio business website for an ed-tech startup using VueJS, Vuex & Quasar Framework. The website was a SPA with about 5 pages.

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Developed a social application for pet owners using ReactJS, Redux & Material UI interacting with a PHP backend for API services.

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Developed completely mobile responsive business website for a content agency using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & Vanilla JavaScript.

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Designed & developed a fantasy gaming website for Cricket. The frontend was built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & JavaScript interacting with a PHP backend. Grew customer base by 50%.

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An embedded system designed to provide home automation and home security using a micro-processor. Used Raspberry Pi, RFID, PIR sensor, Zigbee, Relay, MIMs accelerometer to control various components. The logic was coded in MATLAB.

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