About Me
Worked on Body Tracking Application Featuring 3D Model using Open GL Library and Human Body Detection And Track in Camera Frame using Machine Learning Kit. Worked on Musical score app that allow user to edit , draw, crop , bookmark, manage its own pe...
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Portfolio Projects
This app was designed to train the fingers for competitive climbing, it involves a device known as hang-board on whichuser can hang, that device is responsible for sending up the data of user's hang through BLE Device and the app will display up the user real-time performance on graph,usercan pair mobile to the BLE integrated inside the device, This is anon-going Project.
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This app was a german project where we have to manage up the musical score pages that can be edit, crop, manage, bookmark, whole score can be downloaded by the user, In this project we have used latest approaches including MVVM ,Live Data, Repository, Socket Implementation for parallel downloading up of scores, Also Updating up the local edited offline pages as soon as we connect to the internet.This app was purely written with kotlin extension including up work-manager, room database
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I overviewed the shap-shotapp development that was about developing a body-tracking model and comparing the body measurement. I myself developed a complex High-end functionality for detecting and tracking up the human body in real-time inside custom camera view, that was consumed by the 3rd party API provided by the client to take out measurement
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I developed this FLUTTER BASED HYBRID app for booking up the inspection for the swimming pool and spa, which will be checked by the inspector and he can mark up the compliance or non-compliance for conditions that need to be managed. I have released Android as well as Ios version for the app and uploaded onto Test-Flight and provided to client, Through the way I learn a lot about Xcode, certificate generation, about keychain,pod file etc
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I overviewed the development of this simple yet effective Video Learning Application for School Rural Children, an initiative by IIM-Calcutta, We developed the front-end and PHP backend for API services fetching up list of videos , Used firebase for phone number authentication. Overall Development took 7 days and 3 days for testing and uploading to google play store
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Worked upon Traveamer App that is flight, bus, and hotel booking app where I managed the Front-End UI/UX of the app taking inspiration from MMT and Goibibo Design,also i consumed and convertedthe websiteLaravel API into mobile API and successfully Implemented it following MVC approach
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