About Me
A total experience of around 6+ years as a Software Engineer and QA Engineer in Manual and Automation Testing. Around 1.5 years of experience in development (Bug Fixing and Enhancement) in C/C++. Having good knowledge of Linux System RHEL 5/6/7, Cent...
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Portfolio Projects
Environment: Linux (Ubuntu9/10, RHEL5/6, Cent OS5/6), Windows 7/8/10
Client: BELGACOM COMMUNICATIONS (Proximus Group) Belgium
Belgacom TV, subsidiary of the Belgacom Group, provides Digital TV (IPTV) services over its own IPTV Platform in Belgium.
Roles and Responsibilities:
IPTV application consists of one server side application Total Manage server software and Myrio Interactive software installed on STB.
- Deployment of build on Linux based servers with latest patch and releases.
- Testing various kind of broadcast and video streams like MPEG2, MPEG4 (Clear and encrypted) streams etc.
- Knowledge of various protocols like IGMP, RTP, RTSP, TCP/UDP.
- Functional testing for the features as PVR (Personal Video Recording), EPG (Electronic Program Guide), Mini-EPG, Resource Controller, Adele Store (Video on Demand), IML/HTML.
- Seamless software update/upgradation (From TM server to Specific or group of STB’s)
- Billing records using CDR file and various servers.
- Working knowledge of Verimatrix Server, Streaming server, TM server and its services.
- Manage Edgeware server to manage video content for VOD, nPVR, CUTV etc.
Working knowledge of automation scripts for the STB UI
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Environment: Linux (Ubuntu9/10, RHEL5/6, Cent OS5/6), Windows 7/8/10
Client : Scalable Networks, USA.
QualNet is network modeling software that predicts performance of network through simulation. It is just like a virtual networking lab that enables the deployment of new applications wireless, wired and mixed network platforms. It provides a comprehensive environment for designing protocols, creating and animating experiments and analyzing the results
1. Bug fixing related to QualNet network simulation.
- Application flow, Network faults, Memory issues, Data type issues and Platform dependency issues
- Supporting customer support team with solutions and maintaining quality.
- Help Testing and QA team in releasing bug free applications and Bug Verification.
2. StatsDB Enhancement in QualNet
StatsDB is a part of QualNet that shows the statistics results for all layers at every specified interval.
- Enhancement as to add some tables for Application layer and columns for specific tables and bug fixing in StatsDB.
3. Tested StatsDB with WifiModel in QualNet
This is a new version of StatsDB. It supports the dynamic schema of the table that populates the data for PHY and MAC layer.
- Writing and reviewing of Task List, Test Script/Test Cases based on the SRS.
- Performing manual testing on the application.
- Defects reporting and tracking during the execution of the Test Cases
Involved in weekly meeting with Indian development team
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Build Automation Tool for QualNet
Responsibility to automate the testing procedure in Python used in the organization itself.
- Reduced time & manpower both and Execute simultaneously on multiple platforms.
- Produce the final report text file for every step of testing procedure with PASS/FAIL status.