Satya Sai P.

Satya Sai P.

Senior Software Developer

Bangalore , India

Experience: 4 Years

Satya Sai

Bangalore , India

Senior Software Developer

18227 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

4 Years

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About Me

Working as a software developer with 4 year and 5 months of experience having hands on various Blockchain platforms and Machine Learning , Golang & AWS....

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Portfolio Projects


Team Size – 2
o Ethereum, Node Js, Solidity, Remix,HTML,CSS,Javascript
In this we will have six entities like Exporter, Importer,Exporter Bank, Importer Bank,
Exporter Port and Importer Port. Initially we will have an agreement between Exporter and
Importer regards the goods with details like rate of product and quantity . The Banks are
responsible for payment between Exporter and Importer at various stages. Their will be different
types of activities such as issuing letters of credit, lending, forfeiting, export credit and financing.
Since we are using Blockchain their will be a decentralized database so their will be real time
o Roles and Responsibilities
Explored Ethereum
Setting up Private Ethereum Private Chain
Writing Smart Contracts in Solidity. Developed Node Js API interact with chain and execute
the functionalities of Smart Contracts.

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Team Size – 02
o HyperLedger Fabric, Node Js, Go lang, HTML,CSS,Javascript
Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework implementation and one of the Hyperledger
projects hosted by by The Linux Foundation. A FRA is an agreement between two parties who
want to save/protect them for future change in interest rates. In this the two parties will make an
agreement with interest rates and enters into FRA. By entering in to FRA the two parties will
lock for an interest rate for a static period of time starting on a future settlement date, based on a
specified notional principal amount. By using Blockchain in this we can avoid human made
mistakes easily and the smart contracts will help in automatic payments of amount once the
agreement date gets completed.
o Roles and Responsibilities
Explored HyperLedger Fabric
setting up HyperLedger fabric chain
Writing chaincode in Go language Developing Node Js API to interact with chain and
execute the functionalities of Chain Codes
Developing Front End.

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Team Size – 02
o Tesseract,OpenCV, NLTK, Similarity Check, Numpy,Keras
In this process we will classify documents in two ways that is Image based classification
and Text based the classification using Machine Learning. In Image based classification initially
we will train the system by using some samples and generates a model for future use. By using
this model we will classify the documents. The classification of documents is purely depending
on how the machine trained. So to make this more accurate we have done Text based
classification in which we have used to different tools like tesseract, nltk,opencv to extract the
data from image and classify according to the configuration we have made.
o Roles and Responsibilities:
Writing Python API
Frontend Implementation

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Team Size – 02
o Dedupe,Address parser.
In this demo we make the similar records (variation in address,spelling mistakes )
in to same cluster. For this we will train the machine by passing some samples and make the
system to understand which records are same and which are different. Based on the training
provided the machine will cluster the data in to clusters. So when ever a new record came in to
the data it can tell weather there is similar record or a new record.
One of the challenge to cluster similar records is to have address decomposed to zip code,
street name, city etc. In order to break this down to individual components, one can use a library
called Address Parser.
o Roles and Responsibilities:
Writing Python API
Frontend Implementation

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Team Size – 04
o Ethereum, Quorum, Solidity, ERC 721, ERC 20, NodeJS, Web3
In this demo we had developed a platform where we are using Quorum Network and also by
Using ERC721 and ERC20 we had created an order to cash management. Where it involves from
inventory creation from Manufacturer, Invoicing and creating an order and dispatching order to
customer and transfer of the invoice amount from customer to supplier. Here for inventory
creation we had used ERC 721 token and for the currency which we had created we had used
ERC 20 Token.
o Roles and Responsibilities:
Setting Up the Network
Writing Smart Contract
Writing the Node API

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Team Size – 03
o Ethereum, Quorum, Solidity, ERC 721, ERC 20, NodeJS, Web3
In this Project we had developed a POC where we are using SAP Quorum Network and also
by Using ERC721 and ERC20 we had created a Media Management. Where it involves from.
Where it involves from uploading media content and giving access to viewers when ever a user
pays for the videos. Here we have used ERC 20 token as a currency.
o Roles and Responsibilities:
Setting Up the Network
Writing Smart Contract
Writing the Node API

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Team Size – 03
o Blockchain Network, Node, Angular.
In this Project we had developed a POC where the smart Integration tool will be act as
middleware between any type of block chain network. Here we had developed a block chain
middleware to connect to any blockchain and get details from the blockchain network. The Smart
Integration is used for not only to connect with any blockchain network it can act as middleware
for any type of protocol like REST, RFC, SOAP etc..
o Roles and Responsibilities:
Writing the Node API

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In this process we will classify documents in two ways that is Image based classification and Text based the classification using Machine Learning. In Image based classification initially we will train the system by using some samples and generates a model for future use. By using this model we will classify the documents. The classification of documents is purely depending on how the machine trained. So to make this more accurate we have done Text based classification in which we have used to different tools like tesseract, nltk,opencv to extract the data from image and classify according to the configuration we have made.

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In this process we will classify documents in two ways that is Image based classification and Text based the classification using Machine Learning. In Image based classification initially we will train the system by using some samples and generates a model for future use. By using this model we will classify the documents. The classification of documents is purely depending on how the machine trained. So to make this more accurate we have done Text based classification in which we have used to different tools like tesseract, nltk,opencv to extract the data from image and classify according to the configuration we have made.

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In this demo we make the similar records (variation in address,spelling mistakes ) in to same cluster. For this we will train the machine by passing some samples and make the system to understand which records are same and which are different. Based on the training provided the machine will cluster the data in to clusters. So when ever a new record came in to the data it can tell weather there is similar record or a new record. One of the challenge to cluster similar records is to have address decomposed to zip code, street name, city etc. In order to break this down to individual components, one can use a library called Address Parser.

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In this demo we had developed a platform where we are using Quorum Network and also by Using ERC721 and ERC20 we had created an order to cash management. Where it involves from inventory creation from Manufacturer, Invoicing and creating an order and dispatching order to customer and transfer of the invoice amount from customer to supplier. Here for inventory creation we had used ERC 721 token and for the currency which we had created we had used ERC 20 Token.

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In this Project we had developed a POC where we are using SAP Quorum Network and also by Using ERC721 and ERC20 we had created a Media Management. Where it involves from. Where it involves from uploading media content and giving access to viewers when ever a user pays for the videos. Here we have used ERC 20 token as a currency.

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In this Project we had developed a POC where the smart Integration tool will be act as middleware between any type of block chain network. Here we had developed a block chain middleware to connect to any blockchain and get details from the blockchain network. The Smart Integration is used for not only to connect with any blockchain network it can act as middleware for any type of protocol like REST, RFC,SOAP etc.

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This Project is having multiple microservices developed on golang and uses AWS as cloud using various services of AWS like lambda, S3, Batch Jobs. This application is deployed on AWS cloud with Argo CI/CD.

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