Sneha S.

Sneha S.

Data Scientist

Mumbai , India

Experience: 1 Year


Mumbai , India

Data Scientist

8007.36 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

Enthusiastic to become Data Scientist by utilizing my knowledge and skills for the growth of the organization as well as to enhance my knowledge about new and emerging trends in the Data Science field....

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Portfolio Projects


News classification in different categories like Business, Sport, Tech, and Entertainment. We used Supervised ML algorithms to classify news articles,

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To help user to find a single place where the best option is available like online food, on which particular cuisine etc

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The objective of this model is to predict the departure delay of flight on the basis of the various features.

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The objective of this project is to build a model that predicts the optimal price of the rental property taking into account listing features and seasonality

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Data visualization for the “Northwind dataset” providing insights into profits and margin based on various parameters.

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The objective of this project is to try predictive analytics in identifying the employees most likely to get promoted.

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