About Me
Around 5 years of experience as a SAP ABAP and Workflow consultant, Current Company Name : Fujitsu India. Duration : 3rd Jan to till date Company Name: Primus Tech Systems Pvt. Ltd Duration: 18th March 2014 to 5th Dec 2018 Expertise in following: Goo...
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Portfolio Projects
Work product involves development of Module pool programming, workflow and Ui5 application development. UI5 Development: Van Unload Request application Van Load request application Workflow: Van Unload request workflow Van Load Request Workflow Fiori Leave request workflow Fiori Travel request Module Pool: MSFA module pool screen development SKUS module pool screen development
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SAI it wasa SAP Implementation project
Data Migration
Act as the technical expert, ensuring quick turnaround in identifying application issues and providing timely solutions.
Develop detailed plans and accurate estimates for completion of build, system testing and implementation phases of project.
Transform business function requirements into technical program specs to code, test and debug programs. Develop, code, document and execute unit tests, systems, integration and acceptance tests and testing tools for functions of high complexity.
Perform performance tuning to improve performance over multiple functions.
Engage other technical team members in the design, delivery, and deployment of solutions.
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It wasa SAP Implementation project
Develop detailed plans and accurate estimates for completion of build, system testing and implementation phases of project.
Transform business function requirements into technical program specs to code, test and debug programs.
Develop, code, document and execute unit tests, systems, integration and acceptance tests and testing tools for functions of high complexity.
Perform performance tuning to improve performance over multiple functions
Engage other technical team members in the design, delivery, and deployment of solutions. s.
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- Understanding the needs and requirements of the clients by coordinating with their representatives and seeking clarity on every minute detail in order to provide the best possible solution.
- Consulting with professionals from other departments and those working on specific SAP modules such as SAP FI/CO, MMto ensure a consistent experience to the various users on the client's side.
- Writing the code using ABAP programming language on the basis of the blueprint provided by the clients and performing regular tests on the usability of the code.
- Ensuring that all programs are completed in schedule as per the client's guidelines and allocating appropriate resources to achieve this.
- Providing technical support to the end users in the form of troubleshooting guidelines and modifications to the system after it has been delivered. Training the end users and client representatives is also performed at this stage of the SAP ABAP software life cycle.
- To stay updated with the latest technological advancement and changes in the world of SAP development and adapting to these changes by self-training and research work.
Work product involves development of various RICEF objects of FI process with use of reports, Enhancements, Smartforms, BDC and Workflow. Reports: Monthly statement report C-Form confirmation report Bank Guarantee given/taken to/from customer Smart forms: Monthly statement of customer Tax Invoice smartform Enhancements: Worked on Enhancement for FB08/FBRA(Document reversal) Worked on Enhancement for (F-28) payment to customer Worked on Enhancement for Credit/Debit (VF01) Worked on Enhancement for VF11 Credit/Debit note Cancellation Workflow: Worked on sales order approval workflow PR release workflow Offline Payment release Workflow Offline Amount release workflow BDC: Worked on F-31 BDC (Payment Posting) Worked On FB75 BDC (Security Deposit Posting)
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Work product involves development of various RICEF objects with use of reports, SAP query, Adobe Forms,Enhancements, Smartforms, BDC,LSMW,Workflow. Reports: Auto Leave approval after 7 days Report Auto Regularization Report after 7 days Report Salary Register report Contact details report using ABAP query Bank Details report using ABAP query Leave Encashment Update report Auto Leave Deduction report Conversion: BDC: Upload new assessment form(phap_create) BDC: Upload Section 80 Deductions(0585) BDC: Upload Section 80 C Deductions(0586) BDC: Upload Nominations (0585) Smart forms: Payslip smartforms Confirmation Letter Increment Letter Adobe Forms: Travel Request Details Form Enhancement: ESS leave request screen validations Custom fields in screen ESS leave request screen Enhancement in Infotype 1 (Organizational Assignment) Workflow: Worked on ESS Leave request workflow Worked on ESS Claim Reimbursement workflow Worked on ESS Clock In Clock out Workflow Worked on ESS IT Declaration
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Work product involves development of various RICEF objects with use of reports, form Painter, Menu Painter, Smartforms, BDC and dialogue programming. Reports: Send Bill Report/Accept Cheque Report. Sales Register Report. Purchase Register report. Smartforms: GRN Memo. Add Tax Conditions in Service PO. Developed Invoice Tax Smartform. Developed of Purchase order Smartform. Smartform for printing Payment Advice. Cheque printing Script. Conversion: BDC:Upload vendor Master(XD01). BDC:Upload Customer Master(XK01).
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Development for Production Order Confirmation (CO11N). Develop Stock Ageing Report. Develop Screen for MB1A. Changes for Service Purchase Order and Purchase Requisition smart form. Report for Debtor Ageing. Report for secured loans and unsecured loans. Creation of data dictionary objects such as tables, structures, table types. Report for Trade Payable ageing.
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